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Betty Quinlan is Jimmy Neutron's primary love interest throughout the series. She was voiced by Kath Soucie.

Though Jimmy is madly in love with her throughout most of the series, the feelings are seemingly one-sided. She does seem to have some affection towards Jimmy, but otherwise uses them to her advantage, much to the chagrin and jealousy of Cindy Vortex.


Betty is an attractive girl who is usually seen wearing a pink dress. She is relatively slim, with dark brown hair, and white layers of clothing.


Betty is very kind and nice to the other students, including Jimmy. Likewise, she's one of the only people who doesn't make fun of him at school. She also proved to be supportive, as she encourages Jimmy to play Macbeth after Nick got injured. Despite her kindness towards Jimmy, Betty is aware that Cindy has a crush on Jimmy, and in the Vanishing Act episode, she gets tired of Cindy's jealous attitude towards her and Jimmy, so decides to tell her: "I know all about the whole 'you and Neutron' thing, Just stay out of my face. He's all yours."


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           Jimmy Neutron Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Jimmy Neutron | Hugh Neutron | Judy Neutron | Goddard | Carl Wheezer | Sheen Estevez | Cindy Vortex | Libby Folfax | Nick Dean

Supporting Characters
Brobot Neutron | Betty Quinlan | Jet Fusion | Ultra Lord | Zix, Travoltron and Tee | April the Gorlock

Video Games
The Wise Old Crab | Chad-bot

Timmy Turner | Cosmo | Wanda | Mr. Turner | Mrs. Turner | Jorgen Von Strangle | AJ | Chester McBadbat

Planet Sheen
Mr. Nesmith | Aseefa | Doppy Dopweailer
