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If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!
~ Beverly Crusher

Beverly Crusher was the medical doctor of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D from 2363 to 2371 followed by the Enterprise NCC-1701-E in 2372 onward in the science-fiction series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the movies based on the television series.

She was portrayed by Gates Mcfadden.


Crusher was born on October 13, 2324 on Earth's moon to Paul and Isabel Howard. After the death of her parents she was raised by her grandmother Felisa Howard.

At the age of 18 Crusher embarked on a career in medicine, and attended Starfleet Medical Academy. Soon afterwards Crusher had fallen in love with Starfleet officer Jack Crusher, and married him in late 2348. The following year their son Wesley was born - about one year earlier than they planned.

Jack Crusher died in 2354, and his body was brought home to Beverly and Wesley by Jean-Luc Picard. After her husband's death Beverly left Starfleet for several years, going in to private practice in St. Louis before re-entering Starfleet in 2360.

In 2364 she was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D under Captain Jean-Luc Picard. At first the relationship was uneasy between Crusher and Picard, however they soon both became good friends. Meanwhile Wesley settled in to life on the Enterprise, and became an acting ensign while his application for the academy was considered.

Crusher left the Enterprise for a year in 2365 in order to take up a posting at Starfleet Medical. She was succeeded as CMO by Katherine Pulaski. Her son Wesley stayed on the Enterprise with her blessing. When Pulaski left the Enterprise Crusher rejoined the Enterprise crew in 2366, and remained on the ship until its destruction in 2371.

In 2369, Beverly met the Ferengi scientist Reyga and after being captivated by his invention of the Metaphasic Shield she invited other scientists to have the Ferengi demonstrate to them. Following the failure of the shield and Reyga's apparent suicide, Beverly began to investigate, suspecting that something was wrong. The interrogation of the rival scientists not leading to much, she dared to perform an autopsy on Reyga's remains despite the objections of the Ferengi death ritual imposed by the family, which earned her to lose her position. Luckily, she later found out by trying Reyga's experiment herself that Jo'Bril was the real killer and this allowed her to be exonerated.

In 2370, Beverly and Picard were captured and fitted with implants in their necks by the Prytt Security Ministry who accused the Federation of fraternizing with their enemy, the Kes. The pair managed to flee through the mountains of Kesprytt III for two days, during which time their implants made them hear each other's thoughts and also brought up old feelings. After their rescue, Picard began to think that neither should be afraid to go any further but Beverly earlier thought that maybe he should be afraid, meaning that she prefers that they remain close friends.

Approaching crew evaluation, Beverly to reassure Ensign Alyssa Ogawa that everything was fine with her evaluation while reassuring her about her relationship with her boyfriend. At the same time with the senior officers, Beverly was part of the covert mission to send Cardassian spy Joret Dal behind enemy lines, later giving Alyssa confidence to some degree while making her promise not to tell anyone. She later comforted Alyssa upon news that her friend, Sito Jaxa, had perished during the undercover mission.

As the crew was evacuating the Native American population due to the Federation-Cardassian Treaty, Beverly was appalled at Wesley's abrasive attitude since returning from the academy. When her son decides to drop out of the academy after apparently seeing that it wasn't his destiny, she was sad but ended up accepting it and the two said goodbye.

The following year she was assigned to the Enterprise-E with the rest of the senior staff and many former Enterprise-D crew mates. She was instrumental helping to defeat the Borg incursion into Earth's past.

Crusher briefly left the Enterprise in 2379 to again take up a position at Starfleet Medical, but later returned to the Enterprise. That same year, Beverly attended the wedding of her friends William Riker and Deana Troi. Later, she and the rest of the Enterprise team faced the Remans.

About ten years after the mission to Romulus, Crusher unexpectedly cut off contact with Picard and all her other friends from the Enterprise. Beverly also had another son she named Jack after her deceased husband. In 2401, Crusher got into some serious trouble. Seriously wounded when her ship was boarded, Crusher reached out to Picard for help. Once she sent her distress signal, Jack helped her into a stasis pod and activated it, keeping her alive until help could arrive.

Picard soon arrived on board the USS Titan-A to rescue Beverly, and as they soon begin reuniting the old command crew of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E, the Titan is attacked by a rogue Changeling faction seeking revenge on the Federation for the events of the Dominion War. However, thanks to Data, Worf, and Raffi Musiker, the rogue Changelings that tried to take over the Titan are eliminated, with their leader, Vadic, being sucked out into space, freezing solid, and shattering on her own ship, the Shrike, which is then destroyed by the Titan under Commander Seven of Nine's order.

Unfortunately, Beverly and the others realize that Vadic's Changelings had already infiltrated Starfleet and infected the transporter system and mainframe with Borg DNA taken from Picard's original deceased body that he still carried from his time when he was assimilated as Locutus of Borg, but there was a catch: Anyone over 25 was immune to the assimilation, but those under it were not, including Geordi LaForge's daughters Sidney and Alandra. Having the Titan return to Earth and Sector 001, Picard and his crew attempt to warn Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Shelby as she is in the middle of Frontier Day celebrations with the USS Enterprise-F, but while Shelby is alarmed at the mention of the very enemies the Federation first encountered back at Wolf 359 and fought again in the Battle of Sector 001, which left thousands dead and many Starfleet ships destroyed, it is too late. Beverly and Picard's son Jack had gone to find the Borg Queen and was assimilated as Vox of Borg, voice of the Collective, and successor to Locutus, triggering the Queen's endgame. Shelby and many other senior Starfleet personnel are slaughtered by their younger crewmembers, and the Fleet Formation protocol that Shelby activated was another step by Vadic's Changelings to turn Starfleet into the Queen's personal armada to eliminate all her enemies. Seven of Nine and Raffi help Beverly and the rest of Picard's old crew escape as the fleet turns its attention to Spacedock to eliminate it to remove the Earth's planetary shield and commence an orbital bombardment of the planet.

Retreating to the Fleet Museum, the crew are stunned to find that Geordi, in accordance with the Prime Directive, salvaged the USS Enterprise-D saucer section from Veridian III to prevent it from disrupting the pre-warp civilization in the Veridian System, and had been repairing it ever since, replacing its destroyed stardrive section with that of its sister ship, the USS Syracuse. Once on the old bridge, after taking some time to be nostalgic over being back on it, the crew power the old flagship up to return to Earth and stop the Borg Queen's endgame.

As they head back, they receive a distress call from UFP President Anton Chekov, urging any ships who can hear him to avoid Earth because of the grim situation there, as his aides urge him to evacuate in an escape pod before they are killed by the assimilated younger Starfleet personnel on Spacedock trying to reach them as the space station struggles to hold off the assimilated Starfleet assault. Beverly knows full well that if Earth falls, the rest of the United Federation of Planets is sure to capitulate in short order with the loss of the capital planet.

If Earth falls, everything falls. Every planet, every system.
~ Beverly Crusher

Luckily, Data locates the source of the Borg signal coming from Jupiter and the crew head there to end the threat of the Borg for good. Once they find that the Super-Cube there is broadcasting the Collective, Beverly isolated Jack from the chatter and they realize he is on board the Cube. Picard, Riker, and Worf beam aboard, while Crusher remains behind with Troi, Data, and LaForge. Once they learn of the location of the beacon transmitting the signal to Starfleet, they find that the Borg Queen planted it in the very heart of the Cube, but Data is able to pilot the Enterprise-D right to it, only to find that if they destroy it, they destroy the Cube as well. Despite her uncertainty, faced with losing Earth and the Federation if they delay destroying it, Beverly agrees it must be destroyed for the good of all, and after waiting at least a minute, LaForge gives her the order to destroy the beacon. Beverly fires the proton torpedoes and phasers at the beacon, destroying it and triggering the Cube's destruction. Luckily, thanks to Troi's psychic connection to Riker, she is able to guide them right to where Picard, Riker, Worf, and Jack are and beam them safely back aboard before making their escape, as the Borg Queen howls in fury as her Cube is destroyed, ending the threat of the Borg forever as the Queen's death and destruction of her Cube severs her control over the Starfleet youth and fleet, returning them to normal, but leaving them traumatized by the atrocities they committed while under assimilation.

On the Enterprise-D, Beverly is reunited with Jack and Picard, and they return to Earth in triumph. A year later, in 2402, Beverly is now an Admiral and head of the Starfleet Medical Center, having perfected a means to purge the Borg DNA from the infected, and sniff out Vadic's remaining Changelings and have them arrested. She later escorts Jack, now an Ensign, to his new assignment on the USS Enterprise-G. Afterwards, she joins Picard and the rest of the old Enterprise crew at Guinan's Ten Forward in Los Angeles for one last toast and poker game.

First Splinter Timeline[]

In the timeline created by the Borg following their 2373 incursion into Federation space, Crusher later married Picard and had a child with him that the couple named René Jacques Robert Francois Picard in honor of Picard's deceased nephew René and Crusher's first husband Jack. She and her family died during the Devidian temporal apocalypse, keeping the Dividians from destroying the prime timeline.



  • Anne Twomey and Jenny Agutter were all considered for the role of Bevery Crusher before McFadden was cast.
  • Beverly, along with Troi and Worf are the only three in the TNG main cast to remain wearing the TV series uniform in Star Trek: Generations, although a toy release depicts Beverly wearing the Voyager-style uniform, despite that she never actually wore it on-screen.
  • In the first season, Beverly's red hair was very dark, but in later seasons it was light. By the third season of Picard her hair had gone largely grey.
  • Season 2 is the only season of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Beverly does not appear.


           Star Trek Logo Heroes

States and Organizations
United Federation of Planets | Starfleet | Starfleet Intelligence | United Earth | United Earth Starfleet | Kirk Cabal | V'Shar | The Aegis | Kor

Star Trek: The Original Series: James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Montgomery Scott | Nyota Uhura | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Christine Chapel | Sarek | Christopher Pike | Una "Number One" Chin-Riley |T'Pau | Gary Seven | Roberta Lincoln | Joseph M'Benga | Matthew Decker
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Jean-Luc Picard | William Riker | Data | Beverly Crusher | Deanna Troi | J.P. Hanson | Katherine Pulaski | Geordi LaForge | Miles O'Brien | Wesley Crusher | Tasha Yar | Tasha Yar (YE) | Worf | Ro Laren | Reginald Barclay | Elizabeth Shelby | Professor Galen | Guinan | Keiko O'Brien | K'Ehleyr | Kurn | Noonien Soong
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Benjamin Sisko | Kira Nerys | Odo | Jadzia Dax | Ezri Dax | William Ross | Julian Bashir | Nog | Quark | Rom | Elim Garak | Tobin Dax | Bareil Antos | Miles O'Brien (Replicant) | Darok | Corat Damar | Opaka | Ishka | Martok
Star Trek: Voyager: Kathryn Janeway | Chakotay | Tom Paris | The Doctor | Tuvok | The Doctor (Backup) | Harry Kim | B'Elanna Torres | Seven of Nine | Neelix | Kes | Lewis Zimmerman | Samantha Wildman | Naomi Wildman | Icheb
Star Trek: Enterprise: Jonathan Archer | Charles Tucker | T'Pol | Malcolm Reed | Hoshi Sato | Travis Mayweather | Phlox | Syrran | Shran
Star Trek: Discovery: Michael Burnham | Saru | Charles Vance
Star Trek: Picard: Soji Asha | Agnes Jurati | Zhaban | Laris | Raffi Musiker | Kore Soong | Tallinn | Elnor | Cristóbal Rios | Jack Crusher | Anton Chekov | Liam Shaw
Star Trek: Lower Decks: Beckett Mariner | Bradward Boimler | D'Vana Tendi | Sam Rutherford | T'Lyn | Carol Freeman | Jack Ransom | Dr. T'Ana | Shaxs | Andy Billups
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: La'an Noonien-Singh | Fig | Hemmer
Star Trek: Prodigy: Gwyndala | Dal R'El | Rok-Tak | Jankom Pog | Zero

Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Willard Decker | T'Sai
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Saavik | Carol Marcus | David Marcus
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock:
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: George | Gracie | Gillian Taylor | Hiram Roth
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier:
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: Gorkon | Colonel Worf | Ra-ghoratreii | Azetbur
Star Trek Generations: Demora Sulu
Star Trek: First Contact: EMH (Enterprise)
Star Trek: Insurrection:
Star Trek: Nemesis:
Star Trek (2009): James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Nyota Uhura | Montgomery Scott | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Christopher Pike | Sarek | Spock
Star Trek Into Darkness: James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Nyota Uhura | Montgomery Scott | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Christopher Pike | Carol Marcus
Star Trek Beyond: James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Nyota Uhura | Montgomery Scott | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Jaylah

Comic Books

Elias Vaughn | Vedoc | Zar
