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Birdie is a minor character in Sesame Street, only appearing in the Elmo’s World segment Sleep. She is first shown with her talking nest as she sleeps peacefully inside of Shade from the outdoors. Elmo watches the nest talk as she says she’s got someone napping here, Birdie is asleep in her, and she says that’s where birds sleep, and she tells Elmo to be quiet, and as the shade closes, Elmo shushed the viewers because Birdie is asleep in her nest. At the end, Birdie is shown flying in her nest as they sing The Sleep Lullaby, and she watches Elmo sleep in his piano after that as she continues to sing with Nest. She is very cute and sexy too. She is also carefree and happy, while she’s mostly sleepy and tired.

Birdie Sleeping in her Nest


           Sesame Street Logo Heroes

Elmo | Big Bird | Ernie | Bert | Cookie Monster | Herry Monster | Count von Count | Grover | Oscar the Grouch | Telly Monster | Baby Bear | Prairie Dawn | Rosita | Zoe | Abby Cadabby | Murray Monster | The Amazing Mumford | Slimey the Worm | Baby Natasha | Humphrey | Ingrid | Mr. Johnson | Humongous Chicken | Maria Rodriguez | Luis Rodriguez | Gabi Rodriguez | Gordon | Susan | Miles | Gina | Bob Johnson | Barkley | Dorothy | Cecile | Grundgetta | Stinky the Stinkweed | Birdie | Chris | Julia | Poco Loco | Shelly the Turtle | Frazzle

Kermit the Frog | Mister Rogers

Bill the Bug
