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And now time resumes!

I am not the same man than my father, M'Baku. My rage is greater.
~ Black Panther

T'Challa better known as Black Panther is a major character from the TV Series The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes. He was initially the Prince of Wakanda until his father T'Chaka was overthrown and killed by Man-Ape, forcing T'Challa to flee his homeland to find help from the Avengers to save Wakanda, becoming the next Black Panther like his father before him. He ends up defeating Man-Ape and becomes the rightful King of Wakanda.

He was voiced by James C. Mathis III, who also reprised the voice in Avengers Assemble (2013) and the video game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.



Powers & Abilities[]

By consuming Heart-Shaped Herb, T'Challa's physical abilities are increased tenfold to a superhuman level.

  • Superhuman Strength: Black Panther has shown himself capable of deftly injuring Ant-Man in his giant form with precise strikes on his pressure points. When confronting Man-Ape, he was able to push the much bigger assailant back several yards. Black Panther's strength appears to be on par with Captain America's.
  • Superhuman Agility: Black Panther is easily the most agile of the Avengers, having skillfully managed to dodge their attacks during their first confrontation, even avoiding a throw from Captain America's shield.


  • Black Panther Suit: T'Challa's costume is made from Vibranium, making him very durable against physical hits or energy blast. The costume is also designed to resist radioactivity.
  • Vibranium Claws: Made of a more offensive Vibranium, Black Panther's claws can easily slice through all materials except Adamantium.




  • Unlike the comic books, Black Panther is an only child and his mother is presumably also deceased.

External Links[]


           Christopher Yost 3A873E09-1637-46A0-AFBC-B3AEAA0799B7 Animated Universe Heroes

Wolverine and the X-Men
Past X-Men
Wolverine | Scarlet Witch | Emma Frost | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Nightcrawler | Beast | Storm | Rogue | Shadowcat | Iceman | Forge | Tildie | Angel | Colossus
Future X-Men
Charles Xavier | Bishop | Berzerker | Domino | Firestar | Hellion | Kamal | Marrow | Polaris | Rover the Sentinel | Vanisher | X-23 Clones

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
The Avengers
Iron Man | Thor | Hulk | Yellowjacket | Wasp | Captain America | Black Panther | Hawkeye | Ms. Marvel | Vision
New Avengers
Spider-Man | Wolverine | Luke Cage | Iron Fist | Thing | War Machine
Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Black Widow | Mockingbird | Quake
Fantastic Four
Mr. Fantastic | Invisible Woman | Human Torch | Thing
Ant-Man | Winter Soldier

See Also
Avengers Heroes | Hulk Heroes | Spider-Man Heroes | X-Men Heroes
