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A good reporter always knows where the story is.
~ Blondie Locks

Blondie Lockes is the daughter of Goldilocks and one of the major characters in Ever After High.


Blondie is very social and a little bubbly. She tends to be indecisive and nit-picky about small details due to wanting everything to be "just right". She runs a school blog called Mirror Cast with her MirrorPad, the Ever After High equivalent of a tablet. Fitting for her story, she goes crazy over porridge and has the ability to unlock any door. Like her mom in her tale, she has notable lack of regard for other people's personal items or space. Blondie also has a tendency to stretch the truth, whether it be for the sake of gossip or to make herself look better. She claims to be of royal heritage, but her story isn't believed by most who hear it.

She is voiced by Julie Maddalena Kliewer.

Fairy tale[]

Main article: The Story of the Three Bears



She is the daughter of Goldilocks. Blondie often claims that her mother is a queen in a faraway land, but this is not true. At most, Blondie is a mayor's daughter.


Both Briar Beauty and Apple White consider her as a close friend.


In The Storybook of Legends, Blondie gets a baby bear whom she calls Grizz.


Blondie currently has no one, but is eager to meet her very own "Prince Charming".

External Links[]
