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Bo Hweemuth is a major character from The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. He is a student at Jerome Horowitz Elementary School.


Bo first appears in "The Costly Conundrum of the Calamitous Claylossus", where he is rumored to be a feared and isolated bully. George Beard and Harold Hutchins are skeptical about this and decide to find a way to draw him out. They are proven right when they see the figurines of all their enemies and decide to hire him to make toys for their comics. Bo is seen in later episodes as a recurring ally.

In "The Confounding Concoction of the Crooked Combotato", Bo is the only person willing to eat Stanley's potato. When the game starts, they time every story by seeing how long it takes to eat a potato. Later on, they also use the time it takes him to eat a finger potato as a timer for Stanley to think of ideas. He gets sick after Steve "Gooch" Yamaguchi's story, and so they have to have Melvin Sneedly go. At the very end of the episode, Bo is feeling better and the light shines upon him as he is about to go, however, Erica Wang interrupts him with Mr. Krupp.


Bo is a large boy with brunet hair that covers the upper-half of his head and lightly tanned skin. He mainly wears an orange woolly beanie, a grayish-pink shirt, blue jeans, and a purple vest with a hood.


As Bo Hweemuth, he can be seen as a loveable, sweet guy who might look threatening to a normal one's eye.

Sadly, as Claylossus, he can be seen as a hegemonic bad guy who wants nothing more than revenge for having him not have a friend, yet in reality everyone is his friend.


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           Captain underpants logo Heroes

George Beard (Yesterday, Old) | Harold Hutchins (Yesterday, Old) | Melvin Sneedly (Mel-evator) | The M.I.S.F.A.R.T.S (George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Erica Wang (Aternate Timeline, Adult), Dressy Killman, Bo Hweemuth, Steve "Gooch" Yamaguchi, Stanley Peet, Jessica Gordon, Sophie One, Other Sophie)

Benjamin Krupp (Old, Alternate Timeline) | Kenny Brian Meaner | Toilette Ree | Jerry Citizen

Sulu | Crackers | Tony, Orlando and Dawn | Great-Granny Girdle and Boxer Boy | The Incredible Robo-Plunger | Cavemen | Gaylord Sneedly | Cindy Sneedly

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Diddlysaurus | The Society of Robes | Cash Networth | Bigfoot | Creeply Rattlechains | Viper Chai | Moxie Swaggerman | Dr. Shifty Fitzgibbons | Cosmicops | Livmen | Santa Claus | The Tolietastics

Ook and Gluk
Ook Shadowski and Gluk Jones | Lily | Master Wong | Lan Wong | Mog-Mog

See Also
Dog Man Heroes
