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Heroes Wiki
NOTE: This charecter is a Reboot of his Classic counterpart.

Boots check! Toolbelt check! Hard hat check! ♫ Bob the Builder!
Can we build it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes, we can!
Scoop, Muck and Lofty, and Two-Tonne too
Leo and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the team have so much fun
And they get the job done
Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes, we can! ♫
~ Lyrics from Bob the Builder's theme song.noicon

Bob the Builder is the titular protagonist of the reboot 2015 children's television series of the same name, besed on the original 1999 television series.

He is a general contractor and runs his own construction yard based in Spring City. His father was also a builder. He is assisted by Wendy and a host of anthropomorphic vehicles in various projects in and around town.

He is voiced by Lee Ingleby in the UK and Colin Murdock in the US.


Bob is a very passionate man who always shows determination to get jobs done and to encourage everyone else. He is also a fun-loving person in general and very smart. During a crisis or problem, he isn't one to lose focus and often comes up with ideas on how to fix things.

He acts as a parental figure to his fleet of machines and makes sure to keep them in order. While he is honest about things like feelings or when someone messes up, Bob is nowhere mean or strict. He doesn't get upset when someone makes an accident, but he will be sure to tell them where they messed up.

He also seems to have a soft spot for Wendy.


Bob is a fair-skinned man with brown eyes. As he is a builder, he is often seen wearing his construction gear, consisting of a red and yellow checkered shirt, a faded white and blue waistcoat with a white B on the back, faded blue jeans, brown shoes, and a yellow hard hat with a golden-yellow B on the front. Around his waist, Bob also has a brown-coloured tool belt.

When his hard hat is removed, he is revealed to have brown hair.


Bob has appeared in every episode in the series and all related media.


           Bob the Builder Logo Heroes

Bob (2015) | Wendy (2015) | Farmer Percy Pickles (2015) | Mr. Bernard Bentley (2015) | Leo |

Scoop (2015) | Muck (2015) | Dizzy (2015) | Roley (2015) | Lofty (2015) | Travis | Benny | Scrambler | Scratch | Rubble | Two-Tonne | Tiny | Stretch | Ace | Thud | Crunch |

Pilchard (2015) | Bird |

Spud |
