Boba Fett's Criminal Empire was once Jabba's Criminal Empire that Boba Fett took over after the deaths of Jabba the Hutt and Bib Fortuna.
Before Boba Fett took over Jabba's empire the empire that Jabba founded was created long before the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire. The empire's main base of operation is on Tatoonie and spread through many locations on the planet.
Once Leia strangled Jabba to death then Luke and his friends blew up the sail barge Bib Fortuna escaped the chaos and returned to Jabba's Palace to take over his boss's empire. However Bib Fortuna didn't have the power and strength to rule over the by herself like Jabba so he split it into sections with different leaders under his rule. Years later after Bib Fortuna took over and allowed things to crumble under his rule Boba Fett moves to take over the empire.
Once Boba Fett claimed Jabba's power the empire became Boba Fett's empire. Under his rule Boba Fett mentioned that he will rule with respect and make sure to keep the organization in tact after Bib Fortuna let it fall apart. As the new daimyo the leaders who rule over the sections given to them by Bib Fortuna come to pay tribute to Boba their new leader. While the Pykes, Mok Shaiz and the Hutts challenge his authority and power trying to take over everything that once belonged to Jabba.