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Heroes Wiki

Bridget Conway is a character of Agatha Christe']s 1938 mystery novel Murder Is Easy. She's Gordon's ex-fiancee and Luke Fitzwilliam's girfriend.


We first see Bridget when Luke comes to her town to investigate some recent strange deaths. Bridget's cousin Jimmy arranges for everyone to believe that Luke has come to write a book about local superstitions. However, Bridget very quickly realizes that Luke has a different goal. She decides to help him in his investigation. Later, Luke begins to like her. Not right away, but Bridget reciprocates his feelings. Soon, she and Luke find the body of Rivers, a driver who worked for Gordon (Bridget's ex-fiancé). Gordon fired Rivers because he drove drunk and was rude to Gordon. Luke suspects Gordon of Rivers' murder (and other murders as well). However, Bridget does not believe that this is possible. Luke asks Bridget to be with a local older woman named Honoria Waynflete, believing that Honoria can protect Bridget from danger. However, Bridget soon realizes that Honoria herself is the danger. This is very quickly confirmed, but Bridget, although she plays sports, cannot fully repel the crazy woman, so Honoria quickly overcomes Bridget, but Luke manages just in time and stops Honoria. After this, Bridget wants to marry Luke.


Bridget is a friendly and welcoming girl. Although she leaves Gordon, she does so in a much more peaceful manner than the cruel and mentally unstable Honoria (which Gordon himself likes). Also, although Bridget is clearly not a romantic (after all, she was once in love, and her boyfriend left her for a rich woman), she believes in sincere love, so she reciprocates Luke (after all, he was able to awaken long-extinguished feelings in her). She is also very smart, because she understands that Luke did not come here to write a book, but clearly for something else. She also guesses that Gordon could not possibly be behind these murders (after all, Honoria claimed that Gordon once killed a canary, and Bridget immediately realized that she was incapable of this).


  • She's somewhat similar to Reniseb from Death Comes As The End. Both previously had a beloved man who hurt him (Renisenb's husband died, Bridget's boyfriend left her for a rich woman). Both start dating someone else, but end up leaving him. Both live in a commune, where at some point murders begin to occur (by a strange coincidence, there are 7 murders in both of these novels). Both almost become victims of the killer themselves (who turns out to be the one who previously seemed the nicest), but they are saved by the guy whom they previously treated as a friend. Both then start dating this guy.


Agatha Christie's signature Heroes

Main Detectives
Hercule Poirot | Jane Marple
Secondary Detectives
Parker Pyne | Mr. Quin | Tommy and Tuppence Bresford
Amateur Detectives
Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Bobby Jones | Frances Derwent | Arthur Calgary | Reniseb | Charles Hayward | Mark Easterbrook | Luke Fitzwilliam | Alix Martin

Righteous Culprits
Mary Debenham | Princess Natalia Dragomiroff | Hector MacQueen | Edward Masterman | Colonel John Arbuthnot | Linda Arden | Count Rudolph Andrenyi | Countess Helena Andrenyi | Greta Ohlsson | Pierre Michel | Antonio Foscarelli | Hildegarde Schmidt | Cyrus Hardman | Edith de Haviland | Hercule Poirot
Short Stories
Madame Déroulard | Ronnie Oglander

Recurring Supporters
Captain Arthur Hastings | Inspector Japp | Felicity Lemon | Ariadne Oliver | George the Butler | Superintendent Spence | Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Countess Vera Rosakoff | Raymond West | Joyce Lemprière

Victims & Attempted Victims
Alexander Bonaparte Cust | Miranda Butler | Mrs. Otterbourne | Pilar Estravados | Olga Seminoff

Poirot's Minor Supports
Bella Duveen | Dulcie Duveen | Colonel Carbury | Dr. Stavros Constantine | Dr. Gerard | Sarah King | Katherine Grey | Ginerva Boynton | Judith Butler | Lydia Lee | Miss Bulstrode | Monsieur Bouc | Nadine Boynton | Rosalie Otterbourne | Stephen Farr | Tim Allerton | Valerie Saintclair | Virginie Mesnard

Bridget Conway | Hori | Katherine Corrigan | Monsieur Giraud | Sophia Leonides

Adaptational, Homage & Non-canonical
Knives Out (2019): Benoit Blanc | Marta Cabrera | Linda Drysdale
