“ | The Destroyer: Pitiful. Can this world do no better with you as its champion? Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: Probably. I just do the best I can. |
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~ The Brigadier before defeating the Destroyer. |
“ | Kate Stewart: His greatest ambition was to get you to salute him, just once. Twelfth Doctor: He should have just asked. |
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~ Kate and the Twelfth Doctor reminisce about the Brigadier |
Alistar Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart also known as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Formerly known as Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart) was one of the founders of UNIT (Unified Intelligence Taskforce) and a very close ally of the Doctor throughout the time-traveller's incarnations. He served as a recurring character in Doctor Who and a guest character in its spin-off series The Sarah-Jane Adventures.
He was portrayed by the late Nicholas Courtney, and would later be voiced by actor and impressionist Jon Culshaw.
Alastair was born around 1930 and was from a family of Scottish descent that also had a long history of soldiering. He trained at Sandhurst, and during a mundane military career, had a brief relationship with a lady called Doris, and would marry Fiona.
The Web of Fear[]
Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart's life came to a turning point when the London Underground was invaded by the Great Intelligence and the Robot Yeti. He and Driver Evans were the sole survivors of a Robot Yeti ambush at Holborn before heading down to the London Underground to take command. It was at this time that Lethbridge-Stewart first met the Doctor, in their second incarnation. Taking command of the military forces in the Underground, Lethbridge-Stewart grew to trust the Doctor and his companions Jamie and Victoria, even believing them about the TARDIS. Lethbridge-Stewart showed a quick, decisive manner, bar a brief moment of trauma after losing a second platoon in a running battle, and aided in defeating the Great Intelligence.
UNIT and the Second Doctor[]
The Invasion[]
After the foundation of UNIT, Lethbridge-Stewart was promoted to Brigadier and place in charge of the United Kingdom branch. four years after The Web of Fear, he led UNIT in investigating International Electromatics, and re-encountered the Doctor and Jamie. The Brig enlists the Doctor’s help for plausible deniability in his investigation of the politically connected Tobias Vaughn. The Brigadier organised a rescue of the Doctor and Jamie's friends Zoe and Isobel, before going over the head of his old friend Billy Rutlidge that Vaughn has under his control. When the Cybermen invaded, the Brigadier led UNIT's forces against them, and aided in thwarting their invasion.
Wrath of the Ice Warriors[]
In the audio drama Wrath of the Ice Warriors, the Brig and the Doctor reunited to face an invasion by the Ice Warriors, during which the Brig befriended Skaar, an Ice Warrior who stood against the invasion.
Liz and the new Doctor[]
Six months later, the Brigadier recruited Liz Shaw to be UNIT's scientific adviser. Soon after, he re-encountered the Doctor at Ashbridge Cottage Hospital, who had recently regenerated. The Brigadier had to fend off the press after word spread of a supposed alien patient, and was not sure if this was the same man. Shortly after, the Doctor proved himself, and the new trio battled the Nestene Consciousness' invasion of Earth.
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Terror of the Zygons[]
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Mawdryn Undead[]
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The Five Doctors[]
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The Sarah Jane Adventures: Enemy of the Bane[]
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Final Days[]
The Brigadier spent his last years in a retirement home, always asking the nurses to have an extra brandy at bedtime in case the Doctor visited. He also mentored Kate into following the one piece of advice from the Doctor that he failed to understand until he left UNIT and never returned after his regeneration: "science leads". Ensuring the future of UNIT wasn't "shoot the problem till it stops moving".
Return as Cyberman[]
In 2014 Missy revived everyone ever buried in a cemetery in the world into a Cyberman. This includes the Brigadier; he chose to keep his emotional inhibitor off. After saving Kate from falling to her death, the Brigadier received the salute from the Doctor he had long wished to receive. After bidding farewell to the Doctor, he likely chose to return to resting in peace.
- On TV, the Brigadier met the Second to the Fourth Doctors, before meeting the Fifth Doctor, and the Seventh Doctor in the 1980s. In expanded media, Lethbridge-Stewart also meets the Sixth and Eighth Doctors in prose and audio, and the Ninth Doctor on audio.
- The Brigadier's friendship with the Doctor was deep. Even with the Doctor's disdain for military customs, the Twelfth Doctor stated he would have given a salute to the Brigadier if he had just asked.
- The Tenth Doctor even wished to have had the Brigadier by his side during The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky as the UNIT field leader.
- The Eleventh Doctor took the news of the Brigadier passing away so bad that he decided to stop postponing his destiny at Lake Silencio.
- The Fifteenth Doctor even called him "the finest of men".
- The Brigadier was originally not intended to appear in Mawdyn Undead, with his role being meant for Ian Chesterton.
- Brigadier Lethbridge-Steward is one of the few heroic Cyberman alongside Danny Pink, Bill Potts, Yvonne Hartman, Handles, and also the iconic Kroton The Cyberman (who had his own comic book series).
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The Doctor The Doctor's companions UNIT Torchwood Institute Bannerman Road Gang Investigators of Infernal Incidents Paternoster Gang Coal Hill defenders Other Allies |