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Hero Overview

Brody is one of the main protagonists of the Total Drama spin-off Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race. He is Geoff's best friend and is paired with him as The Surfer Dudes. He replaced Bridgette (Geoff's girlfriend) as Geoff's partner.

He was voiced by Scott McCord, who voiced Owen, Trent and Jacques.


Brody has dark brown hair. black eyes, and light brown skin. He wears pink top tank, purple shorts and red-white shoes.


Brody is described as an enthusiastic, meat-headed jock. He and Geoff enjoy goofing off and partying. They even intend to make friends in the competition. Despite being the dimwitted guy in the competition, but he always has his friend's back. They could both get done together since together is better than one in this occasion. He is fast and strong with an emotional compass that is bang on.

Brody has a crush on MacArthur, who is aware of his feelings, but does not seem to reciprocate them. However, at the end of the season, she tells Brody to call her.

Like Owen, Brody has a weird eating habit when he eats disgusting food such as a dirty banana or Icelandic Feast Gifting. According to Geoff, Brody is a human trash can with a strong stomach when he can eat anything.


  • After he and Geoff were eliminated in the episode "Ca-Noodling", Brody felt empty due to missing his chance to ask MacArthur out, so he filled that void with burritos, and ended up putting on some weight. Fortunately, he loses all that extra weight in the finale.
  • Geoff calls Brody a "human trash can" in the episode "Bjorken Telephone", claiming that he will eat anything.
  • Brody is very similar to Tyler.


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           Total Drama Logo Heroes

First Generation
Bridgette | DJ | Gwen | Leshawna | Duncan | Owen | Geoff | Trent | Izzy | Katie | Sadie | Beth | Harold | Lindsay | Sierra | Noah | Cody | Tyler

Second Generation
Mike | Zoey | Cameron | Dawn | Dakota | Sam | Brick | B | Heroic Hamsters | Mike's Alternate Personalities

Third Generation
Shawn | Jasmine | Sky | Samey | Ella

Fourth Generation
Damien | Emma | Millie | Priya | Zee | Axel | Caleb | Nichelle Ladonna | Raj | Wayne | Team Rat Face

Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race
Don | Brody | Ryan | Cadets (Sanders and MacArthur) | Best Friends (Devin and Carrie) | Sisters (Emma and Kitty) | Rockers (Spud and Rock) | Fashion Bloggers (Tom and Jen) | The Goths (Ennui and Crimson)

Total DramaRama
Courtney | Ella | Chef Hatchet | Izzy | Beth | Duncan | Jude Lizowski | Harold | Gwen | Owen | Leshawna | Noah | MacArthur | Sugar | Lightning
