“ | Cats win respect from their Clanmates by being loyal and brave, not holding important positions. Did you think Graystripe is less important than Brambleclaw when you fought beside him yesterday? Or Lionpaw less important than Leafpool when he helped you drive off that ShadowClan tom? It is hard for someone so young to make such big choices. When I was with the Tribe of Rushing Water, there were no such choices. All duties were divided into hunting or guarding. Prey-hunters like me were thin and lithe; guards were stocky and strong. The decision was made from birth which duty a cat would perform best. (...) It was impossible for a cave-guard to be a prey-hunter or a prey-hunter to be a cave guard, but generally it was a good way to make sure each cat made the best use of the strengths they were born with. (...) Think of your strengths, not your weaknesses. As a Clan cat, you have the freedom to shape your own destiny, which Tribe cats never have. Use that freedom wisely. | „ |
~ Brook to Hollypaw about respect and destiny |
Brook Where Small Fish Swim is a supporting character in the Warriors book series. She is a prey-hunter in the Tribe of Rushing Water, who first met a group of Clan cats as they were travelling through the mountains, begging one of them named Stormfur to help the Tribe defeat a mountain lion named Sharptooth. After the mountain lion's death, Stormfur decides to stay in the Tribe, and soon he and Brook became mates.
Brook is a lithe tabby she-cat with thick, sleek brown fur and gray eyes. One of her ears becomes torn during a battle against ShadowClan in The Sight.
The New Prophecy[]
On the way back home from the sun-drown place, six Clan cats - Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, Feathertail, Stormfur, Tawnypelt and Crowpaw - go through the mountains instead of the twolegplace, where they meet two cats from the Tribe of Rushing Water. Brook is the first to notice that Stormfur's fur appears silver due to the water on it, and assumes he must be the prophesized silver cat who will save the Tribe from a vicious mountain lion named Sharptooth that has been eating the Tribe's members. She welcomes them for if they aren't there maliciously, but her brother, Crag Where Eagles Nest, scolds her for it. The two then lead the Clan cats to the cave the Tribe lives in, during which Tawnypelt stumbles and Brook tries to help her, but the ShadowClan warrior says she doesn't need her help.
In the Tribe's cave, Stoneteller, the leader and healer, welcomes the visitors to eat. Brook isn't seen during this, which disappoints Stormfur, who took a liking to her bravery and friendliness. As the sun sets and the Clan cats plan to stay for this night, Brook arrives, to check on them, having been sent by Stoneteller to make sure they were comfortable. Stormfur wonders if it was just him she was sent for, and the two start talking, learning about each other's lives. The next day, while out hunting with Stormfur, Squirrelpaw and Brambleclaw, Brook shows how talented of a prey-hunter she is. She and Stormfur grow closer over the next few days, hunting together often, and Brook gets upset when he and his friends get ready to leave.
When the six visitors try to leave however, the Tribe's cave-guards stop them. Brook tries reasoning with him to stay, but this proves fruitless. The Tribe forces Stormfur to stay, desperate to get him to defeat Sharptooth, with Brooks following attempts to reason with him failing as well. The other five Clan cats are forced to leave without the gray tom, which Brook feels guilty about.
Soon the Clan cats come back to save their friend, and while storming the cave, they see Brook guiding two kits to safety. After getting Stormfur, they run into Brook's other brother Talon of Swooping Eagle, as well as Bird Who Rides the Wind and Rock Where Snow Gathers. Talon states how he just wants to protect his sister.
After the group of Clan cats escape, Stormfur is persuaded by his mother Silverstream in his dreams to go back and help the Tribe. When they return, the brown she-cat is one of the first to welcome him, and convinces Stoneteller to hear out Squirrelpaw's plan to defeat Sharptooth by feeding it a rabbit full of deathberries. The plan goes awry however, and Feathertail sacrifices herself to save Crowpaw from Sharptooth by dislodging a stalagmite and impaling the mountain lion with it, dying when she hits the ground. Stormfur is devastated by this, and brook tries to comfort him before the remaining Clan cats leave soon after.
After the forest is destroyed and the Clans are making the long journey to a new home at the lake, they pass through the mountains and decide to rest at the Tribe. Stormfur asks Talon how Brook is doing, and he replies that she's fine. When getting to the Tribe's cave, Stormfur seeks out Brook, and the two reunite, with Squirrelpaw noting that Stormfur will only have more heartbreak waiting for him when he has to leave with the rest of the Clan cats.
Later, Brook and Crag join Stormfur, Sorreltail and Leafpaw in hunting, and the brown she-cat compliments Leafpaw's catching abilities, impressed that the medicine cat apprentice could scent a second rabbit farther away. When the Clans are about to leave, Stormfur announces that he's joining the Tribe, as with his mother, sister and mentor all dead and his father presumed dead as well, he has nothing left in the Clans. Brook stands by his side as he does so, and though many are shocked, Firestar, Leopardstar, Dustpelt and Tallpoppy understand and support his choice. As the Clans leave, she brushes her tail against the gray tom's side as they watch.
A few moments after a badger attack, Brook and Stormfur arrive in ThunderClan's camp, stunned by the damage. The two then learn about the badgers attacking the camp in revenge for being driven out of the forest when the Clan cats arrive, killing the Clan's medicine cat Cinderpelt.
Brook and Stormfur agree to stay in ThunderClan for a bit to help them recover from the badger attack. Brook later joins a search party to find Berrykit, and the group discovers him with his tail caught in a fox trap, with a group of ShadowClan cats nearby doing nothing to help him due to him not being Clan-born. They free Berrykit and bring him back to the ThunderClan medicine den, while Squirrelflight puts a stick into the trap's wire to prevent anyone else getting caught in it. Later, Firestar thanks Stormfur and Brook for helping to feed the Clan. After Brambleclaw hears his father Tigerstar telling his half-brother Hawkfrost about Stormfur and Brook in his dreams, and goes hunting with the two when he wakes up.
Soon after, Brook and Stormfur leave ThunderClan to join RiverClan, deciding they need to be loyal to the gray tom's former home. The two plan to stay there permanently, and Brook becomes a warrior. At the next Gathering between the four Clans, Hawkfrost pressures his medicine cat sister Mothwing into announcing a fake vision from StarClan of two pebbles in a river, disrupting its flow. Hawkfrost adds that it's a sign Stormfur and Brook don't belong in RiverClan and must be banished.
While out exploring the lake, Brambleclaw sees Brook chasing a squirrel into ShadowClan territory, which Hawkfrost also witnesses. Hawkfrost takes her back to camp and tells Leopardstar what she did, to which their Clanmates start saying that she doesn't belong in the Clan if she can't follow the warrior code. Hawkfrost remarks that he wished she was run over by a monster before goading Stormfur into attacking him. This causes Leopardstar to reluctantly banish the gray tom and his mate, and Brambleclaw, who had been spying and seen the whole thing, brings them back to ThunderClan. Though some of his warriors disagree, Firestar accepts the two back.
The Power of Three[]
The Sight[]
While Brook is in ThunderClan's camp, Squirrelflight's and Brambleclaw's adoptive son Jaykit notes that she smells like mountains and tumbling water. After Thornclaw reports foxes spotted in the forest, Brook and Stormfur are tasked with guarding the camp while a patrol gets rid of it. Jaykit and his siblings Hollykit and Lionkit try to sneak out of camp to chase off the foxes themselves, and are nearly caught by Stormfur and Brook. Hollykit then comments that she likes how the brown she-cat's voice sounds different.
Later, after Jaykit - now a warrior apprentice named Jaypaw - sneaks out of camp and is brought back by Crowfeather, Brook tells him that she used to get in trouble all the time as a to-be. After checking on Jaypaw, Brook and her mate are assigned to marking the borders near ShadowClan. Several ThunderClan cats protest this though, so they're sent hunting instead.
When a battle breaks out between a ThunderClan patrol and a ShadowClan one, Brook and Stormfur get into a fight with Smokefoot, during which the former's ear gets torn. After the battle, Firestar sends Brook and Spiderleg to go check for any other ShadowClan cat on the territory. Later, Graystripe praises her for how well she fought during a Clan meeting. When feeling conflicted about her choice to become a medicine cat apprentice, since she's not very good at it, Hollypaw confides in Brook, who gives her some advice about her destiny and how respect isn't just about the role one fills.
Dark River[]
Brook takes shelter with Stormfur during a rain storm, and suggests to Hollypaw that she do the same. A little bit after Graystripe returns to ThunderClan with his new mate, an ex-kittypet named Millie, Firestar holds a ceremony to give Millie a Clan cat name. Millie refuses though, wanting to keep her name, and both Brook and a former loner named Daisy back up her decision. Brambleclaw shows his support as well, saying that a cat's name has nothing to do with their loyalty.
Later, during a border skirmish with WindClan, Brook participates in the battle, fighting both Weaselfur and Owlwhisker. She gets a few injuries in the process, with a particularly bad one on her flank that concerns Dustpelt, though she brushes it off as nothing. Dustpelt sends her back to camp with Stormfur to be treated anyways while he stays behind with Thornclaw and Spiderleg to mark the border.
After Hollypaw returns from RiverClan camp, Brook welcomes her, rather than ignoring her like the rest of the Clan. She's also kind to Lionpaw after an incident with WindClan and the underground tunnels underneath the forest and moorlands.
Brook, Stormfur and Brackenfur all go hunting with the apprentices, giving Hollypaw advice when she struggles with a technique, and admitting to the black she-cat that she had trouble settling into the Clans at first. She then tells the apprentices that Tribe cats had their roles as cave-guards or prey-hunters is chosen for them from birth, and how the Tribe's leader is also their healer.
When Talon comes to ThunderClan alongside Night of No Stars, asking Firestar for help. Firestar's mate Sandstorm tells Hollypaw and Honeypaw to go get help, but not tell Stormfur or Brook that there former Tribemates are there. This confuses the two young she-cats, though they soon come to understand why when they learn that Stormfur had been banished from the Tribe, and Brook had joined him in exile.
After learning that the Tribe is being terrorized by a group of rouges, Firestar allows Brook, Stormfur, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw to go to the mountains with Talon and Night to lend their aid. Brook is unhappy to go back to the Tribe, but goes anyways since it was her former home. On their way to the mountains, the ThunderClan cats stop by ShadowClan and WindClan to bring Tawnypelt, Crowfeather and his son Breezepaw to come along.
When they get to the Tribe, Stoneteller does not welcome them warmly. Brambleclaw tells Stoneteller that the Tribe should fight back against the rogues, with Brook standing by. Though not happy with the idea, Stoneteller allows the Clan cats to help the Tribe fight off the rouges, which they succeed in doing so.
On the way back to the lake, the large party of Clan cats are accompanied by Stormfur and Brook. Brambleclaw has Hollypaw, Lionpaw and Breezepaw catch some prey for the two to take back to their Tribemates. However, when they bring the prey, Stoneteller offers for them to come back to the Tribe rather than returning to ThunderClan, which they accept, saying goodbye to the Clan cats.
Omen of the Stars[]
Sign of the Moon[]
Brook and Stormfur have a litter of two kits; a gray tabby she-kit named Lark That Sings at Dawn and a light brown tom named Pine That Clings to Rock. As She watches her kits play, Brook becomes worried when her mate mentions another group of rouges intruding upon the Tribe's territory. Later, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, Dovewing and Foxleap come to visit, and Brook introduces her kits to them. She then tells Stoneteller about the four, which he isn't happy about, though still allows them to stay. The brown she-cat then leads them to where they can stay for the night, scolding her kits when they say they want to sleep there instead of their nest.
Later, Brook goes hunting with Stormfur and Squirrelflight while Night and Talon watch over her kits. While they're gone though, Jayfeather has a nightmare of everyone vanishing into darkness, Brook included. After Swoop of Chestnut Hawk is carried off by an eagle, the brown she-cat comments that it's the first time in quite a while that a member of the Tribe has been snatched by a bird. Lark and Pine are fearful because of this, so she goes to comfort them, telling them to stay inside the cave. Soon after, Stoneteller dies without a successor, and upon being prompted by the Tribe of Endless Hunting to chose a new Stoneteller, Jayfeather picks Brook's brother Crag before the Clan cats return home
Tawnypelt's Clan[]
As Tawnypelt visits the Tribe with Dovewing and her grandson Shadowkit, Brook and Stormfur greet them, with the brown she-cat remarking that Shadowkit must be the son of Dovewing and Tigerstar II. She then introduces the guests to her second litter, a gray tom named Feather of Flying Hawk and a pale brown she-cat named Breeze That Rustles the Leaves, both of whom are to-be's - the Tribe's equivalent to apprentices. Upon finding out that Tawnypelt is now the deputy of ShadowClan, she congratulates her for the promotion.
As Shadowkit screams for everyone to evacuate the cave, sensing that a tree is about to fall, Brook stays behind Tawnypelt as they climb up a cliffside in case she falls off. As the Tribe and Clan cats start pushing rocks into the river to block the tree, Breeze falls into the water, and her mother yowls for her. Tawnypelt then saves the young she-cat, after which both she and Brook thank her. After lightning strikes the tree and causes it to fall, it is then blocked by the stone barricade, and Brook says that Shadowkit saved them all.
The following day, Brook goes to check on Shadowkit, but Dovewing tell her that Stoneteller is seeing him. Before the Clan cats leave, Brook goes hunting with Stormfur, Breeze and Feather to prepare a feast for them as thanks for their help. When Tawnypelt offers to go with them, Brook turns her down, wanting her to rest before the long journey home.
- She is mistakenly described as having grayish-brown fur on page 216 of Sunset.
- She is mistakenly described as having gray eyes in the allegiances of The Sight.
External links[]
Brook Where Small Fish Swim on the Warriors Wiki
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