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Brooklyn T. Guy's Son appeared in "The Call of Duty Blackout". In his only appearance, he falsely claimed he was the electrician when his father was the actual electrician. He bothers and annoys his father saying he will die if he doesn't eat. His father offers to get him a Happy Meal afterward but instead settles on Oreos because he is impatient. He died at the end of the video after Black Yoshi shot him for begging him for his new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. He later reappeared in "The Secret Door!" as one of the 26 Victims, It is unknown that Black Yoshi possibly take his body to Does Bad Things Guy.


He is shown to have been extremely annoying and extremely spoiled, possibly on purpose to anger his father. He was also very whiny and claimed that he would die if he didn't eat. This behavior eventually led to his death.

Power and Skills[]

His naive and innocent nature often leads to humorous situations, as he doesn't always understand the complexities of the adult world. Like many children, he is curious and asks a lot of questions, sometimes putting his father in awkward or funny situations. Despite his father's numerous jobs and the chaos that sometimes ensues, Brooklyn T. Guy's son is adaptable and seems to go along with the flow, even in the most bizarre situations. While not a "power" in the traditional sense, his ability to bounce back from difficult or confusing situations with relative ease is a notable trait. He remains generally positive and unaffected by the craziness around him.


  • Brooklyn T. Guy's Reaction: The death of his son is a traumatic event for Brooklyn T. Guy, adding a tragic element to his character in this particular SML movie. It highlights the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the SML universe, where even children are not safe from the absurdity and violence that sometimes occurs.


  • Brooklyn T. Guy's son only appears in The Call of Duty Blackout and does not have recurring roles in other SML videos. This makes his character relatively obscure compared to other SML characters. His death at the hands of Black Yoshi is one of the few instances in SML where a child character meets such a grim fate, contributing to the shock value of the scene. Like his father, Brooklyn T. Guy's son is shown to enjoy video games, specifically Call of Duty. This connection to video games plays a key role in the plot of The Call of Duty Blackout. The way Brooklyn T. Guy's son is killed is an example of SML's use of dark humor, where something as mundane as a power outage leads to an unexpectedly violent outcome.



           SML Logo Heroes

Main characters
Marvin | Jeffy | Rose | Junior | Cody | Joseph | Brooklyn T. Guy
Supporting Characters
Chef Pee Pee | Penelope | Karen | Braxton | Simmons | Jackie Chu | Ya Boy Duggie | Lil' T | Susan Smith | Judge Pooby | Charleyyy | Craig the Devil | Chief | Chef Poo Poo |
Brooklyn T. Guy's Son | Scooter
Foxy the Pirate | Vegeta
