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Bruce! Bruce! What's happening?!
~ Her words upon seeing Calypso.

Bruce Cochrane's girlfriend is a minor character in the original 1995 Twisted Metal. She is Bruce's girlfriend who was kidnapped by his former boss and the expy for his cause in joining the tourament.


Twisted Metal[]

The girlfriend of Bruce, she is kidnapped by his former boss in an attempt to lure him back to the business. In the end however, she is rescued by Bruce himself and his partner whose refused to take his revenge upon the kidnapper.

Later, she returns home with Bruce.


  • She only appears in the lost ending for Thumper.


           Twisted Metal Series LogoHeroes

Twisted Metal(1995)
Agent StoneAngela FortinBruce CochraneBruce Cochrane's GirlfriendCaptain SpearsScott CampbellSergeant Carl RobertsPolice

Twisted Metal 2
AxelCaptain Jamie RobertsKrista SparksMarcus KaneMortimer Scharf

Twisted Metal 4
OrbitalQuatroZanita Corbett

Twisted Metal: Black
Agent StoneBlackDollfaceJohn DoeNo-FacePreacherRavenWarhawkMinion

Twisted Metal: Head-On
Agent ShepardColonel Hall

Twisted Metal (2012)
PreacherHoly Men

TV Shows
Twisted Metal (2023)
John DoeQuietRavenLoudAgent Stone
