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Bub: We got cake! We got Frosting!
Crunky: Check out the size of this sprinkle!
Crunky and Bub: This is the best day of my life!
~ Crunky and Bub after collecting scraps from Big Jim’s messy eating.

Bub is a major character in Dav Pilkey's Dog Man book series and one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Crunky) of the series' video game, Dog Man: Mission Impawsible.

He is formerly Piggy's sidekick, Crunky's best friend, a former member of the F.L.E.A.S, and a member of The Friendly Friends


Piggy's sidekicks and members of the Fleas. Crunky (the gorilla) and Bub (the crocodile) also got shrunk and locked up in Mini Jail, but unlike Piggy, they're both pretty good guys.
~ His and Bub's official description in Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea


He is very friendly and dumb. However, he does seem to have a betraying side to him, as he, along with Crunky and Piggy, had betrayed Petey and took him out the Critter Scouts.

Since he is generally is Piggy's servant, along with Crunky, kind of contrary to popular belief. When he serves Piggy, he for all intents and purposes is generally revealed to really be hateful towards him, kind of such as when he tells hypnotized Big Jim to particularly get basically rid of Piggy, saying that he mostly is a particle of dirt in his left ear and that he should for the most part be removed in a subtle way.

Bub also enjoys hanging out with Li'l Petey, as evidenced in Lord of the Fleas, when Li'l Petey for the most part asked whether he and Crunky really wanted to particularly go specifically catch fireflies, and both definitely agreed without hesitation in a subtle way.


He is a green crocodile with buck teeth.


Before Dog Man[]

Along with Crunky, Piggy, and Petey, he joined a group of scouts called the Critter Scouts.

One day the scout leader allowed the four to play putt-putt while he went out for coffee. Then a supposed storm came and the four were "trapped on a deserted island". Then, he and Bub pretended to be bloodthirsty cannibals and chased Piggy and Petey up a cliff. This is when the scout leader comes back and asks them who is responsible and he, Crunky, and Piggy all blame Petey. Then the scout leader took away his badge and banned him from Critter Scouts.

Then Petey called some animal rights organizations and soon the scout was pulled. He, Crunky, and Piggy have been trying to get revenge on Petey ever since.

Dog Man: Lord of the F.L.E.A.S.[]

Now having joined the newly formed group called the F.L.E.A.S, he goes to the Cat Jail where Piggy disguises himself as a therapist and does a therapy session with Petey. When Piggy reveals himself, he laughs, and Petey uses this to disguise himself and tells Bub and Crunky to help the warden 'take Petey out of Piggy's stomach'. Then he locks the door and leaves.

Later, when the chief of the police department learns of Petey's escape, he takes a police officer named Milly with him to Cat Jail. Dog Man was also called in to contribute, but he was interrupted by a squirrel on the way there.

There, Bub, Crunky, and Piggy beat up the two officers until they went to the prison library and beat them with books. When they're done, Dog Man finally comes to Cat Jail where he jumps on Chief. While this is happening, the bad guys run away and go to their Robo-Brontosaurus. The Chief orders Dog Man to go home as they follow the bad guys.

Then Sarah Hatoff comes in and interviews the new villains. Piggy explains that they are F.L.E.A.S, which stands for Fuzzy Little Evil Animal Squad. Bub and Crunky then complain that they weren't fuzzy or little respectively.

Afterwards, Chief and Milly beat up F.L.E.A.S., which makes Piggy mad enough to have the Robo-Brontosaurus grab Chief, Milly, Sarah, and her dog Zuzu with its tail. Afterwards, Petey and his clone Li'l Petey, who were being chased by F.L.E.A.S., escape into the sewers, which lead them straight to the Cat Jail, where Petey picks up his giant robot that he made and tries to escape. However, Li'l Petey convinces him to go rescue Chief, Milly, Sarah and Zuzu.

Petey tries to hit the bad guys with a Shrink Ray he made, but is interrupted by Li'l Petey, making him jump out of surprise and accidentally drop the Shrink Ray on Piggy's head. Piggy then forces the Robo-Brontosaurus to use his laser in its mouth to destroy Petey's robot. However, it only chips off the outside of the robot and the exoskeleton is completely fine.

Piggy then forces the Robo-Brontosaurus to destroy a nearby building, but it ends up crushing the robot. Afterwards, Li'L Petey rescues the Chief, Milly, Sarah and Zuzu.

Before long, the bad guys got the robot out and were about to destroy the good guys with a laser, but Petey's robot eventually pulled them back. Then they have a big robot battle for two hours. Piggy then tries to convince Petey to join him.

Meanwhile, fireflies begin to approach the good guys and Li'l Petey notices and plays. Bub and Crunky then join soon afterward. Piggy then angrily takes them back to the Robo-Brontosaurus along with Li'L Petey, who annoys Piggy on the way back.

Soon, Dog Man notices Li'L Petey inside and barks at the bad guys, before throwing him into the Cannery Grow store, where Dog Man accidentally sprays himself with several cans and becomes a giant. Then the bad guys come and Li'l Petey and 80-HD go to the spray paint factory and collect a giant can of brown spray paint and then use it to spray the Robo-Brontosaurus with Bub, Piggy and Crunky inside. Li'l Petey then draws a face on the robot's butt, making it look like a squirrel.

Then Dog Man notices and destroys the robot where Petey notices the Shrink Ray he dropped earlier in the book and uses it on Dog Man and the Robo-Brontosaurus. Just then, Bub, Crunky, and Piggy hid in Dog Man's fur.

Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild[]

The three then escape from Dog Man's fur and set out to steal Petey's abandoned Shrink Ray to shrink Petey's broken robot that he created in the previous book. Inside the robot, they stole a dog mask and police outfit from a costume shop and disguised themselves as Dog Man, then robbing banks that night. Because of this, Dog Man was framed and sent to a dog prison owned by a cruel warden.

They later steal a can of Living Spray from the factory and escape, only to be ambushed by Sarah and Yolay Caprese. The two then unmask the fake Dog Man and realize that it was F.L.E.A.S all along. The F.L.E.A.S then try to use the Living Spray on a nearby car, but are stopped by Zuzu, who catches the spray in her mouth. They then all chase Zuzu to the newly renovated Gassy Behemoth Studios, which had been converted into a movie theater.

Inside, Sarah and Yolay beat up the robot. However, they learn that the F.L.E.A.S escaped and took their Living Spray to spray Claymation Philly (the clay version of Philly in the Dog Man movie that played on screen). They then escape and secretly hide in Petey's fur coat.

Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls[]

On Petey's whisker, Piggy tells Bub and Crunky that they are going to hypnotize Petey, which excites them as they think they can turn Petey into a cupcake. Later, Big Jim hugs the newly pardoned Petey before he is about to leave Cat Jail, causing the three to switch cats and hang onto Big Jim's whisker instead.

That night, Piggy successfully hypnotizes Big Jim by whispering in his ear, when Bub gets an idea and takes him and Crunky to the other ear, telling Big Jim to get rid of "the speck of dust in his left ear", which is really just Piggy. Then Big Jim flings Piggy away and he lands on a moth named Daryl. Afterwards, Bub tells Big Jim to become a cupcake-themed superhero named Commander Cupcake, and all he does is eat cupcakes.

The next day, a fight breaks out during lunch and Big Jim goes to the cupcake stand and eats the cupcakes. However, he ran over the fighting people, causing the fight to break up. While Big Jim eats the cupcakes, Bub and Crunky eat the scraps that fall out and have the time of their lives.

Later, Big Jim heard cries for help from the Supa Buddies and went over there and ate cupcakes. There, Piggy with the Hope Mood ring he stole accidentally lands in his hand, and Piggy is then arrested. When the cop asks where the rest of F.L.E.A.S. might be, Big Jim scratches his head and sees that Bub and Crunky are on his head, and they are soon arrested as well.

Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea[]

Inside Mini Jail, Bub and Crunky had found themselves a job at the kitchen. Later, they collect Piggy's escape plans, but they don't study them, as they enjoy working at the cafeteria. Later, Daryl the Moth had recruited them into a superhero club he made in For Whom The Ball Rolls called The Friendly Friends.

Soon afterward, a dog named Mr. Stinkles picks up Mini Jail and then drops it when his newly adopted owner, a man that had been called Booger Breath many times, had given him a treat. This causes Mini Jail to break, and Piggy rides on Daryl out of the prison while leaving Bub and Crunky by themselves.

The two then cry, until two fellow inmates named Mike the Fly and Ducky the Beetle hear them and join in on the crying, when Crunky tells them if only they could help them fly, to which they allow the two to go on their backs as they fly to Piggy and Daryl.

When they finally get to them, they sing a song about the Friendly Friends:

Friendly Friends, Friendly Friends, flying through the sky! Oh, what fun it is to ride on a beetle, moth, and fly-y!!! Friendly Friends, Friendly Friends, armed with friendly hugs! Oh what fun it is to ride on the backs of friendly bugs! Dashing through the sky, on a beetle, moth, and fly, o'er the hills so high, laughing till we cry! (HA! HA! WAA!) Soaring through the air, swooping here and there, what fun it is to share and care, without our underwear!!!

As they reach the end of the song, they fly next to Dog Man, Chief, and Genie S. Lady, who were taking a nap together. Then, Crunky accidentally wakes Dog Man up, and then he chases them up to a restaurant called The Beach, where they go into a flap in the roof, under the "c" on the sign.

Inside, Bub, Crunky, Piggy, Mike, Ducky, Daryl, and Daryl's uncle named Larry (who was already inside the flap) all hop aboard into a flying submarine. Soon, they turn the submarine on and use the built in Size-O-Tron inside to shrink the submarine to fit outside the flap. Then, they make it grow, and they all reach normal human size.

In the sub, Piggy notices that the world is afraid of the F.L.E.A.S' return, and tells the others that they should make everyone in the world angry as fear and anger combined together can make people happy, and that the world had already been scared. In order to do this, they find pies in the sub's kitchen and throw them at the pedestrians on the ground, while singing another verse of the Friendly Friends song:

Friendly Friends, Friendly Friends, flying through a cloud! We made up a second verse, and we'll sing it supa lou-ud! Friendly Friends, Friendly Friends, cozy, cute, and clean! Oh, what fun it is to ride, in a flying submarine! Dashing through the skies, on a submarine that flies, dropping pumking pies, on some random guys!!! (Plop, Plop, Plop) Making people mad, is the opposite of bad, so spread some cheer with rage and fear, and then you'll be so glad!!!

Later, Dog Man, Li'l Petey, Sarah, Molly the Tadpole, Petey, Zuzu, and 80-HD get into the submarine. As they argue with Bub, Crunky, Mike, Ducky, Daryl, and Larry, Piggy secretly changes the Size-O-Tron to make the sub so small, they're microscopic. Then Piggy leaves the sub as it's shrinking and then slaps it. Then, he scratches his nose and goes on to rob as many banks as possible.

Meanwhile, the sub had broke and had started to fall in one of Piggy's sweat glands. However, 80-HD stretches his arm and holds onto a hair, causing the sub to not fall to it's doom. Then, Dog Man, Li'l Petey, and Molly all go into the sweat inside and fetch their propeller.

When they get back, a microscopic demodex mite woke up and gets into the sub, where it eats Larry while Bub and Mike hide beneath a chair. Soon enough, the mite eats everyone on board except for the two.

The two get scared, until Mike gets the idea of throwing pies at him to make him angry, which they do. When they do, the mite eats the pies, and enjoys it. Mike then tells the mite (which he called Junior) that he had to spit out his friends, or else he wouldn't have the pies. When Junior does it, Bub kicks the plate of pies out the window, and Junior follows it back into the sweat gland.

Soon, they fly out of Piggy's skin and change their sub to become Supa Doopa Big. This causes the people inside to become giants, and soon they pick up Piggy, where they sing the last verse of the Friendly Friends song:

Friendly Friends, Friendly Friends, flying 'cross the page! Piggy is our little pet, and he loves his little ca-age! Friendly Friends, Friendly Friends, watch him eat his meal! Oh what fun, to see him run, on a friendly hamster wheel!!!

Then, the shrink the sub back to normal size, and everyone inside, along with Chief and Nurse Lady, all help Petey rebuild his lab (as it was destroyed in Mothering Heights). Afterward, it was time to stop for the night, and everyone came to Dog Man's House to eat supper.

With Piggy finally defeated, Bub and Crunky finally redeem themselves and became happier and have been forgiven for their participation in Piggy’s plans. With Piggy no longer bossing them around, Bub and Crunky finally have a real chance to do good.

Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder[]

Crunky, along with Bub, Mike, Ducky, Daryl, and Larry all attend Chief and Nurse Lady's wedding.

Dog Man: Big Jim Begins[]

He, along with the rest of the Friendly Friends and other heroes from throughout the series, was tricked by the Space Cuties and went to their party, where they handed out free cake. After eating the cake, he and everyone else except for Dog Man fell asleep, revealing the cake to be filled with sleep potion. Later, Bub would be awoken by Big Jim's "Wakey Wakey" song, and cheered for him for doing so.




External Links[]


           Dog Man logo Heroes

Dog Man | Chief | Officer Knight | Greg the Dog | Milly

Supa Buddies
Dog Man | Li'l Petey | 80-HD | Molly

Petey the Cat | Li'l Petey | Grampa | Big Jim

Channel 2 News
Sarah Hatoff | Zuzu | Seamus

Nurse Lady | Doctor

Cat Kid Comic Club
Flippy | Li'l Petey | Molly
The Baby Frogs
Melvin the Frog | Naomi | Poppy | Summer & Starla

The Friendly Friends
Crunky | Bub | Mike the Fly | Ducky the Beetle | Daryl the Moth | Uncle Larry

Super Diaper Baby
Super Diaper Baby | Diaper Dog

Yolay Caprese

See Also
Captain Underpants Heroes
