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Bubble is a major protagonist of the animated web series, Battle for Dream Island. She was a contestant in Season 1 and 4, landing in 3rd and 10th place respectively.


Bubble is literally a soap bubble. Likewise, she is one of the nicer members of Pencil’s alliance, but she can be a sensitive doormat at times since she has a lot of difficulty standing up for herself. She also gets popped a lot.

Heroic Acts[]

  • In Hurtful!, she killed Flower after the latter killed her, Leafy and Firey multiple times.
  • In Return of the Hang Glider, she called out Flower for her selfish and villainous actions.
  • In Getting Teardrop to Talk, she stopped Lightning from being manipulated into doing multiple villainous acts under the influence of Pencil and Match, and later tried to stop Lightning from electrocuting Fanny.
  • In Save Our Show, she aided in helping with the budget to stop all of the contestants from getting erased from existence.
  • In Chapter Complete, she attempted to help get Four back from hiding.



X | Two

Death P.A.C.T.
Black Hole | Fanny | Gaty | Lightning | Liy | Marker | Pen | Pie | Pin | Remote | Tree
Barf Bag | Basketball | Blocky | Bomby | Book | Bubble | Coiny | Donut | Firey | Flower | Gelatin | Ice Cube | Leafy | Lollipop | Loser | Match | Needle | Pencil | Ruby | Snowball | Spongy | Taco | Teardrop | Tennis Ball | Winner | Woody
