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Heroes Wiki

NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Bubbles from The Angry Birds Movie Trilogy. The mainstream version can be found here: Bubbles (Angry Birds)

Bubbles, the Orange Bird is a supporting character of The Angry Birds Movie. His best friend is Hal.


Bubbles appears as an orange anthropomorphic Jamaican Oriole in an identical appearance as his game counterpart. His black feathers on top of his head is enlarge and has orange streaks on them and has black feet as well as black feathers at the back. His eyes are yellow green instead of black.


He is often seen with Hal, who is his best friend. They attend Matilda's anger management classes together. In a short called Hal and Bubbles, they try to become "angry birds", but in the end decide to become friends. His inflating power in the games is revealed in the battle in Pig City.

Unlike the games and Toons, he is an adult and not a young bird who is still learning to talk. In fact, he is older than The Blues in the movie, while in the games it's the reverse.

Power and Abilities[]

Bubbles retains his ability to inflate himself. This demonstrates when he got slingshot before being ganged up by the Pigs as he inflates to knock them down but destroying the tower house structures upon impact.


           AngryBirdslogo Heroes

Angry Birds
Red | Ruby | Northern Cardinals | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Hal | Terence | Bubbles | Stella | Silver | Melody

Bad Piggies
Piggy McCool | Professor Pig | Ross

Mighty Eagles
Mighty Eagle | Mighty Dragon | Mighty Philadelphia Eagle | Mighty Basketball

Angry Birds Space
Ice Bird

Angry Birds Star Wars
Red Skywalker | Qui Gon Jinn | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda | Anakin Skywalker | Captain Panaka | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Chewbacca | Mighty Falcon

Angry Birds Epic
Red | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Prince Porky | Pigiana Jones

Angry Birds Evolution
Kumiko | Clint | Mia

Female Red Bird | Female White Bird | Gaia

Bird Island
Red | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Stella | Terence | Mighty Eagle | Judge Peckinpah | Hal | Bubbles | The Blues (Jay, Jake and Jim) | Hatchlings | Silver | Samantha | Vincent | Zoe

Piggy Island
King Leonard Mudbeard | Courtney | Garry Pig

Angry Birds Stella
Stella | Dahlia | Luca | Poppy | Willow
