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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

It's time to get... Buck-Wild!
~ Buck's most famous quote.
♫POP goes the weasel!♫
~ Buck singing during his battle with Rudy
♫I am the pint-sized protector of this lost world! But my friends call me Buck.♫
~ Buck singing in the style of "Largo Al Factotum" about protecting the Dinosaur World

Buckminster (simply known as Buck Wild) is a major character in the Ice Age franchise. He is a mentally-challenged weasel that lives in an underground dinosaur world when he fell into it, many years ago. He lost one of his eyes in a past encounter to Rudy, but survived and swears revenge.

He is voiced by Simon Pegg, who also played Montgomery Scott in the Star Trek trilogy, Nicholas Angel in Hot Fuzz, Reepicheep in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Benji Dunn in the Mission: Impossible franchise, Alternate Montgomery Scott in the alternate reality of Stark Trek, and Curator in Ready Player One in the films and the show, and by James Patrick Stuart in the video game, Shaun in Shaun of the Dead.



When he was younger, Buck fell into the world of dinosaurs and got into trouble within a few seconds. He landed right in front of Rudy, who attempted to kill him with a claw but only got his right eye. Buck ran, until he was able to climb up a tree, where he got a leaf and wrapped it around his eye like an eye patch. He was right above the eye of the hurricane, Rudy rose above the clouds and swallowed Buck whole.

Buck was still alive, however. Before he could get swallowed, he grabbed onto Rudy's uvula and launched him self out, as well as punching one of Rudy's teeth out. He then turned it into a knife that he uses in battle and decided to live in the Dinosaur World.

Buck later discovered that other mammals had fallen in the Lost World. With them, he formed a team that worked to maintain peace and harmony in the Lost World, allowing to mammals and dinosaurs to peacefully co-exist. However, a dwarf talking Protoceratops named Orson hated mammals and thought dinosaurs should rule over them, not peacefully co-exist, due to the bullying he suffered from them as a child due to his big deformed brain. Buck friendly tried to convince him to join his team but Orson refused and killed all the mammals that were in the Lost World. Then he succeeded to send Buck and his team on a trap where he killed the whole team. Only Buck and Zee were able to survive. Furious, Buck and Zee banished Orson to the Lava Falls where he could never escape and would leave him there alone for the rest of his life as a punishment for his actions, hoping that he would have some kind of change of heart but instead he only became bitter and obsessed with getting revenge on the weasel and all mammals.

Depressed and traumatized, Buck decided to banish all mammals from the Lost World and preventing every other mammal to ever come down there to prevent other mammals from dying, deciding that mammals and dinosaurs cannot peacefully co-exist. However, Zee remained and continued to operate on her own since she and Buck argued. Buck would then get crazier and continue his fight with Rudy.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs[]

Buck first meets Manny, Crash, Eddie, Diego, and Ellie (who he at one point refers to as "preggers") after they descend into the jungle in pursuit of Sid and Momma, and saves them from a dinosaur attack. He has been living in the jungle for quite some time, persistently hunting Rudy to avenge the loss of his eye, and agrees to lead them to Lava Falls, where Momma has taken Sid, and rescues him after taking control of a Harpactognathus.

After Rudy's potential death, Buck, having lost his purpose in life, decides to join the herd and live on the surface. Upon hearing a distant familiar roar that tells him that Rudy survived the fall, he chooses to stay and causes a cave-in that seals off the path between the surface and the underground jungle, trapping him inside and everyone else on the surface. He and Rudy proceed to continue their battle.

Ice Age: Collision Course[]

Buck was taking a shower and saw that a family of dino-birds, Gavin, Gertie, and Roger, had taken an egg from a mother triceratops. He saved the egg from the dino-birds while singing a song. He dived down, throwing gases in Gavin and Gertie's faces, and fell on Roger's back. Buck plucked a feather off of Roger's head, and tickled Roger's toes, for him to let go of the egg. He made Roger bite his tail, causing Roger's jaw to open, sending Buck up. He climbed the wall and Gertie, attempting to eat him, ran into the rock wall, making Buck and the egg fall. The egg was quickly grabbed by Gavin, and Buck put a rock in Roger's mouth. Gavin stole the egg but Buck got it out of his mouth, and hid in a tiny cave, with Gavin trying to get in. He slid down the other end of the cave and fell down to the ground. As the dinosaurs still tried to catch the egg, they had Buck surrounded. That was until Buck had finished his song, causing an avalanche of rocks to tumbling down, crushing the Dino birds. Buck ended up returning the egg back to its mother, a told the mother to get out of the area before the Dino birds came back up from the crash.The Dino birds came back up, and angrily stared at Buck, who ended up being launched away, laughing.

As Buck was gliding through the jungle, he saw commotion above where the ice was, as he hit head first into a rock. This caused Buck to fall into an underground tunnel. Buck carefully walked through the tunnel, where he found a stone tablet.

He later met up with the herd again, showing them the tablet, meet the newer members of the herd, and lead them. An asteroid would hit Earth very soon, and Buck had a plan to stop it. When they made their way into a forest, Buck found out that the dino-birds were following them. There was an electrical storm that came upon them, but the herd made it out safely. Buck heard a baby's crying and quickly dashed into the forest and was shocked out in a log. The baby was a small pumpkin, and the herd thought it was rather strange. He named the pumpkin Bronwyn and adopted her as his own. Along this Buck decided to stop traveling and have the herd rest for the night. Buck sings his daughter a lullaby and falls asleep. In the morning they find that Sid's Granny was gone. Buck, knowing what happened, can't help but hide from the herd that giant dino-birds had been following them.

They later found Granny with a prehistoric rabbit called Teddy. They found that they were in the land Geotopia, and were taken to the leader of Geotopia. It turned out to be a llama called Shangri Llama. Sid broke the Geotopia wall, trying to get a crystal for the love of his life. The Geotopians agreed to give up their crystals to save their lives. The crystals were put in a volcano to pull the asteroid away from Earth. They celebrated their victory and Buck was there for Peaches' wedding.

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild[]

After the events of Collision Course, Buck came back to the old valley and the Dinosaur World with Bronwyn.


Buck is a reddish-brown weasel with reddish-brown fur and a tan stomach with brownish spots on it. His body is long enough to twist around itself and has an overbite, with bottom fang showing. His most known trait is his right eye patch made from a leaf. When he had both eyes, they were bright blue.

Personality and Traits[]

An adventurous weasel, Buck had lost his way in the Dinosaur World in his youth, resulting in his mind being somewhat addled by the years of isolation. Though adept at surviving and quick on his feet, Buck hadn't met any others in the valley that he could talk to, resulting in his tendencies of speaking to inanimate objects and his lack of social skill. Dauntless, slick, swashbuckling and brave, however, Buck pressed on, surviving in the dinosaur world, coupling his survival skills with knowledge of the land and its creatures. Buck used Rudy's tooth as a blade and machete, and could also make use of other elements, from berries to vines.


Skull 1: They'll never survive, it's dangerous by day!
Skull 2: But it's even worse at night!
Skull 1: Plus, their guide is a lunatic!
Buck: WHAT?!
Skull 2: You mean Buck! Ah, he's wacko!
Buck: I AM NOT!
Skull 1: Totally bonkers!
Foot skull: And his feet smell!
Buck: SHUT UP!!!
Foot skull: You shut up!
Buck: OH, ya little...! Gha ha ha, gotcha ha ha!
Manny: He's strangling his own foot. Shouldn't we get moving...?!?!
Foot Skull: What?! And give Rudy a midnight snack?! Not likely!
Buck: The skull's right; Take a load off, mammals. We'll camp here. Now, who's hungry?
Foot skull: I am!
~ Buck playing with Skulls before he camps with the mammals and tells his backstory.
Manny: Buck, when exactly did you lose your mind?
Buck: Mmm... Three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple. An
ugly pineapple! *sigh* But I loved her.
~ Buck about his marriage to a pineapple.
~ Buck's cameo in Ice Age: Continental Drift.
Shira: Wait, this half-a-snack is a dinosaur whisper?!
Buck: And expert Salasa-dancer!
~ Buck meeting former pirate Shira.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have wandered into... an electrical storm! Uh, I suggest we all stay away from the trees.
~ Buck warning the mammals after entering an electical storm.
Oh, asteroid's still a day off. And like my grandfather used to say... "Red sky at night, sailor's delight! Purple sky at night... who moved my foot cream?! I need my foot cream!" Grampy was a confused and angry weasel.
~ Buck about his grandfather.


  • Buck was meant to be Ellie's opossum cousin. But because of his crazy personality, the creators decided to make him a weasel.
  • Simon worked on many voices for Buck, the performance was mostly based off of Steve Irwin and Frank Buck's voice.
  • Despite making a cameo in Ice Age: Continental Drift, he is still credited in the end credits of the movie, meaning that the film takes place after the third movie's events.

External Links[]


           IceAgeTitle Heroes

The Sub-Zero Heroes
Manny | Sid | Diego | Ellie | Crash and Eddie | Peaches | Granny | Shira | Louis | Julian

The Tribe
Nadia | Runar

Dinosaur World
Buck | Momma Dino | Baby Dinos | Roger | Gavin | Gertie | Roger | Zee


Brooke | Teddy

Scrat | Precious | Prancer | Clint
