Bumble Blast is an anthropomorphic beehive introduced in Skylanders: Swap Force. He is voiced by David Sobolov who also voiced Krypt King, Drax the Destroyer and Depth Charge.
Bumble Blast started life as a humble beehive in the Radiant Mountains, where for ages the bees made the most sweetest, most magical honey in all of Skylands. When Kaos heard about this "super honey", he wanted all of it for himself and soon launched an attack on the peaceful Bees. But when his minions arrived to plunder everything the bees had created, they were met by Bumble Blast. He alone had been home to the bees and considered himself their protector. Using the power of the magic honey, Bumble Blast valiantly battled the evil minions, who felt his powerful sting that day. Afterward, Bumble Blast roamed Skylands as a protector of nature, where he soon joined with the Skylanders.
Lightcore Bumble Blast[]
No other Skylander celebrates the holiday season quite like Bumble Blast. In the Radiant Mountains, where for ages the bees made the sweetest, most magical honey in all of Skylands. When Kaos heard about this 'super honey,' he wanted it all for himself and soon launched an attack on the peaceful bees. But when his minions arrived to plunder everything the bees had created, they were met by Bumble Blast. He alone had been home to the bees and considered himself their protector. Using the power of the magic honey, Bumble Blast valiantly battled the evil minions, who felt his powerful sting that day. Afterward, Bumble Blast roamed Skylands as a protector of nature, where he soon joined with the Skylanders.
Jolly Bumble Blast[]
No other Skylander celebrates the holiday season quite like Bumble Blast. Every year, the magical bees that are under his protection decorate their mighty tree hero in wonderful festive colors. Then Bumble Blast makes it his mission to spread the cheer by blasting enchanted peppermint at anyone in need of a little holiday spirit. After all, tis the season to be jolly!
The biography and other content in this article, such as the images and catchphrase, are official content provided by Skylanders, viewable on skylanders.com/characters.
Air Skylanders Lightning Rod |
Sonic Boom |
Warnado |
Whirlwind |
Swarm |
Boom Jet |
Free Ranger |
Pop Thorn |
Scratch |
Blades |
Fling Kong |
Gusto |
Thunderbolt |
Stormblade |
Air Strike |
Bad Juju |
Wild Storm |
Breeze |
Earth Skylanders Bash |
Dino-Rang |
Prism Break |
Terrafin |
Crusher |
Flashwing |
Doom Stone |
Rubble Rouser |
Scorp |
Slobber Tooth |
Fist Bump |
Head Rush |
Rocky Roll |
Wallop |
Smash Hit |
Barbella |
Golden Queen |
Tri-Tip |
Bop |
Fire Skylanders Flameslinger |
Ignitor |
Sunburn |
Hot Dog |
Hot Head |
Blast Zone |
Fire Kraken |
Fryno |
Smolderdash |
Ka-Boom |
Torch |
Trail Blazer |
Wildfire |
Spitfire |
Ember |
Flare Wolf |
Tae Kwon Crow |
Small Fry |