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NOTE: This article is about the Bayverse Comic and Video Game version of Bumblebee, for the other incarnations of the character, go to the disambiguation page.

Bumblebee (AKA Bee, ZB-7) is one of the main protagonists of the original game and comic adaptations of the Transformers live-action film series. He is one of Optimus Prime's most trusted lieutenants. Although he is not the strongest or most powerful of the Autobots, Bumblebee more than makes up for this with a bottomless well of luck, determination and bravery. He would gladly give his life to protect others and stop the Decepticons.

He is voiced by Mark Ryan in the video game adaptation, also voicing the original one.


Badly damaged in battle, Bumblebee lost the ability to speak verbally due to his voice box was smashed by Megatron, though he can still communicate over inter-Autobot frequencies (in a fashion that seems somewhat akin to instant messaging, a usable but more distant and less personal means of interaction). He can also communicate with the Autobots' human allies and his friend, Sam Witwicky, by playing audio clips from popular media on his radio.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Cybertronian Physiology: Like Optimus Bumblebee is a living robot with an Allspark that gives him life. Similar to all Cybertrons Bumblebee is able to change into a car. Bumblebee also holds many weapons in his body which include Plasma Cannons that fire bursts of plasma at opponents, Machine Gun, Shoulder Missile, Multi-missile Launchers, Laser Cannon, Crab Claw, Battle Hammer, Anchor, Mouth Grapple, Toe Gun, a retractable blade and more.
    • Body Separation: Bumblebee displays the ability to disassemble and reassemble his own body with no physical injuries as well as attracting parts of armor that torn off him.
    • Superhuman Durability: Bumblebee is impervious to blows and impacts that can slay a Cybertronain or a human as well as surviving falls from heights. The armor in his vehicle form along with car parts arranged to his humanoid appearance keeps him unscathed and grant him extra protection.
    • Radio Manipulation: Bumblebee can operate and play various recordings on the radio in form of verbal communication, which is possibly a way for his actual voice to heal.
    • Superhuman Strength: Bumblebee has levels of physical strength, able to carry and wield a hammer with little effort, tear a Cybertronian's body parts(as shown when he killed Ravage by shredding his armored body from the remains while holding his tail and lift a truck,
    • Superhuman Agility: Due to his size, Bumblebee can leap and perform gymnastic stunts in battle.
    • Superhuman Speed: Bumblebee is a very quick Autobot, as he transformed between two modes in a second, run faster than a moving vehicle and act thoroughly.


  • Master Combatant: Bumblebee was skilled enough to go toe to toe with Optimus Prime when he was being mind controlled. Even though he was beaten by Optimus and was about to die, he was still a formidable and fierce opponent. He also nearly defeated Lockdown in the fourth film and held the longest against Sentinel Prime in the third film.
    • Hammer Mastery: Bumblebee used a hammer to fight against Optimus prime. During the beginning of their fight he was able to throw it underwater.
  • Master Marksman: Bumblebee used a mounted blaster to get Optimus away from him so he could regroup.


Bumblebee has a variety of weapons and gadgets at his disposal. These includes:

  • Alternator: The organ of a Cybertron which enables Bumblebee to scan and become any vehicle form he chooses.
  • Plasma cannons: A trusted and versatile weapon, Bumblebee is armed with a cannon that has selective fire and can cause armor damage. In Dark of the Moon, his plasma cannons were upgrade which could shoots rapidly towards his opponents.
  • Missile cannons: Bumblebee fist used this cannon to injuried whilst killed Brawl during battle of mission city. Bumblebee lost to access this weaponry, when his missile cannon were destroyed by Starscream in the second movie.
  • War Hammer: Bumblebee was armed with war hammer, when he aid his allies during World War events. He regained his war hammer after reunited with his brother-in-arms, which he used to battle against Nemesis Prime.
  • Stealth force mode: Bumblebee can use weapons while in his agile and maneuverable vehicle state.

Critical Reception[]

Bumblebee earned highly positive reception and is one of, if not the most popular Autobot in Michael Bay's live-action Transformers film series. However, audiences and critics complained of Bumblebee's limited screen time and at least until Age of Extinction, that he was rarely seen without Sam Witwicky.


  • Bumblebee, along with Optimus, are the only characters to appear in all movies of the Transformers live-action film series so far without absent.
  • He is by far the youngest member of the Autobots.
  • Bumblebee is one of the most popular characters in the Transformers franchise.
  • Bumblebee is similar roles has been compared to Sakura Kasugano from Street Fighter:
    • Both are the most popular characters in their series.
    • Both are the youngest character.
    • Both served as the main protagonists in their film and comics.
    • Both are taught by their leaders and deeply cares for them.
    • Both love fighting and peace and willing to protect their friends from danger.
    • Both successfully stoped their leaders from being brainwashed by their enemies. For example, Bumblebee stoped Optimus from being controlled by Quintessa in The Last Knight and Sakura stoped Ryu from being controlled by M. Bison in Alpha 3.
    • Both implies have love interest. Bumblebee have love interest with either Arcee or Strongarm, while Sakura have love interest with Ryu.
  • Bumblebee, along with Roadbuster and Bulldog, are the only Autobots that speak with a British accent. All three are voiced by British actors in real life (Bumblebee and Bulldog are voiced by Mark Ryan, while Roadbuster is voiced by Ron Bottitta).
    • However in the fifth movie, Bumblebee is voiced by Erik Aadahl, an American sound editor who best known his role for voicing Godzilla roar back in 2014.
  • Bumblebee has the Ninja stars on the Age of Extinction posters along his various toy variants, despite he never actually used them in the actual film.
  • Bumblebee's battle-mask official design in fifth movie is completely different with his concept art.
    • In the movie his battle mask design based on his original trilogy with slightly modified, where as in the concept art his battle mask resembles in the fourth movie only modified in top place.
  • Similarly to his Aligned continuity counterpart, Bumblebee regained his actual voice box through miracle reason with different scenario. In Aligned continuity, Bumblebee regained his voice back after awakened from Megatron's shoots. While in the Bayverse, Bumblebee regained his voice back when used to stop whilst snapped out Optimus Prime from his evil mind control.
  • A yellow Volkswagen is seen next to Bumblebee when he's vehicle mode but later hits it with his right door when Bobby Bolivia tried to sell it to Sam.




See Also[]

External Links[]


           TransformersTitle Original Films Heroes

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Jazz | Ironhide | Ratchet | Sideswipe | Jetfire | Jolt | Skids & Mudflap | Arcee | Chromia | Elita-One | Wheelie | Brains | Mirage | Wheeljack | Crosshairs | Drift | Hound | Cogman | Hot Rod | Canopy | Daytrader | Sqweeks | Breakaway | Cliffjumper | Dynasty of Primes

Leadfoot | Roadbuster | Topspin

Sector Seven
Tom Banachek | Seymour Simmons

General Morshower | William Lennox | Robert Epps | Charlotte Mearing | Hardcore Eddie

Grimlock | Scorn | Slug | Strafe | Slash | Slog | Snarl

Kinetic Solutions Incorporated
Joshua Joyce | Gill Wembley | Su Yueming | Darcy Tirrel

Knights of Iacon
Stormreign | Dragonicus | Steelbane | Skullitron | Dragonstorm

Transformers Reaction Force
Commander Santos | William Lennox | General Morshower

Video Games
Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Sam Witwicky | Mikaela Banes | Maggie Madsen | John Keller | Glen Whitmann | Leo Spitz | Dutch | Carly Spencer | Cade Yeager | Edmund Burton | Viviane Wembly | Izabella
