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Hero Overview

Lu lu lu, I've got some apples! Lu lu lu, you've got some too!
~ A song Butters sometimes sings, but is usually interrupted
Hey fellas.
~ Butters' greeting
Oh I'm can't, fellas. I'm grounded for looking stupid in my school picture.
~ Butters to his friends after gotten grounded.

Leopold "Butters" Stotch is a major character and the de-facto secondary child character in the adult animated sitcom South Park. Contrasting his on-and-off friends Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick, Butters is known for his optimistic, naive, and childish personality. Cartman in particular is the one who influences him the most and his debatable best "friend". Originally, he was a replacement of Pip Pirrip, and later Kenny as the 'blond boy' in Season Six.

He also has an evil alter-ego named Professor Chaos, who serves as an (albeit mostly harmless) supervillain. He is the son of Stephen and Linda Stotch who have abused him and unfairly grounded him for no good reason. The only family member is very nicer to Butters is his aunt Nellie Stotch (his mother, Linda's sister). Similar to Cartman and Wendy, Butters is the archrival of Wendy's best friend, Bebe Stevens.

He is voiced by Matt Stone, who also voices Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Craig Tucker and Tweek Tweak. In Croatian dub, he is voiced by Milka Pasanec.


Butters lives in the town of South Park in Colorado with his parents Stephen and Linda, who are strict with him and sometimes ground him over the littlest of things.

After Kenny McCormick died, Butters was chosen by Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski and Eric Cartman to be his replacement in their group. However, they later replaced Butters with another boy named Tweek Tweak before Kenny returned to life.

Butters is afraid of the mean kid named Trent Boyett. He tries to hide at his house but his parents tells him to play outside. He begs his parents for help from Trent but they were ignorant. He was beaten up by Trent badly. His parents made a mistake for not letting Butters inside the house when he was tortured by Trent Boyett. The doctor revealed Butters received massive snuggy and wedgied to a flag pole which nearly killed him, two Indians sunburns on his forearms, Charley house on his thighs, second decree titty twister. His head was heavily from a colossal swirly. He also received a noogie and polish bike ride.

He and his friends were excited for the Terrance and Phillip Blood Rage Part II but sadly replaced by the Queefing Sisters. He was queefed by Samantha and got sick, worrying of his dad, Stephen. He was visited by his friends who gave him a present and took his photo of him being a queefing victim.

Dismayed at being cast out of the group, Butters took on a villainous alter-ego named Professor Chaos. Despite this, Butters with still socialise with the group and sometimes acts as Cartman's sidekick in his plans.

In St. Patrick's Day, Butters was arrested by sexual assault on Kelly-Ann Barlow (when he thought she didn't wear green in St. Patrick's day only revealed she wore a green sock). He escaped with Randy using St. Patrick's powers. He was sentence to a 5-years community service.

Similar to Cartman and Wendy, Butters has a heated rivalry with Wendy's best friend, Bebe Stevens as well calling her as a bitch and called her a dumb girl when Butters and his friends does have "assholes". Bebe beats the shit out of Butters.


Butters has a small tuft of bright blond hair on the top of his head. He wears a turquoise jacket and dark green pants. For the rest of season 19, Butters wore a neck brace after trying to commit suicide in "Safe Space".


Butters has a warm personality that everyone finds comforting. He is unique because he has the personality of a child, in contrast to the other more cynical, adult-like kids. He is generally much nicer and much more naive than the four main characters, although he has his jerkish moments, like when he and Craig are shown bullying Mark Cotswolds, a home-schooled boy, in "Hooked on Monkey Fonics", while it is worth noting that it was before the major character development of Butters in the show. Also, in the earlier seasons, Butters seemed much more intelligent, and he also seemed to use inappropriate words more often, even saying when the girls challenged them to a sledding race "Us men will show those skanky hos who is who!"

The kids are often annoyed with Butters' innocence because he is not cruel, cold, gross, or confident enough "like a normal little boy", as well as the fact that he is a "pussy". Due to his naivete, it's easy for him to be manipulated and taken advantage of, and the boys often use him for self-defense when they are in very sticky situations, such as in "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", when they make Butters go get raped by the NAMBLA members to save them. However, they do still show some care for him Butters is saved from getting raped when Stuart McCormick is confused by the pedophiles as one of the young boys.

Unlike nearly all South Park characters, he rarely curses and instead uses euphemisms such as "Aw, hamburgers" or "Son of a biscuit." He has cursed a few times, however, with each instance meant to be very shocking.

  • In "Christian Rock Hard", Butters solemnly says "Fuck you, Eric" to Cartman and farts on his face after his mental breakdown.
  • In "Raisins", Butters says "I'd rather be a crying little pussy than a f-ggy goth kid", much to Stan's surprise, and "At least we have -ssh-les" to Bebe.
  • He swore a lot more heavily in "Butters' Bottom Bitch".
  • He said "You're poor as shit!" and "That's fuckin' gay!" (which he said quite a lot) during "Poor and Stupid".

Due to his father's abusive parenting, he suffers signs of psychological trauma. As revealed in "Super Best Friends", this trauma extends to such an extent that he falls asleep and wakes up to the sound of his own screams. In "Imaginationland, Episode III", he was told to imagine "the most prominent thing in his mind", which happened to be his father, screaming that he was grounded; the imaginary version of his father later morphed into a monster-like being.

Butters' social isolation and constant ridicule at the hands of some of his classmates likely traumatizes him as well. In "The Return of Chef", Butters was revealed to have been molested by his uncle, although he did not seem to realize, this is likely another source of trauma. As a result of these events, Butters also has very low self-esteem, constantly putting himself down as well believing he is a bad child who deserves punishment. Butters also has a nervous stutter - it is likely this can be attributed to psychological trauma. Though possibly Butters' grandmother was the source of psychological trauma as she was constantly hurting him physically and mentally, even more than his own parents.


Stephen and Linda Stotch

Both Stephen and Linda regularly abuse and neglect Butters. Stephen often grounds his son for the things he didn't commit (because it was Cartman) or laughably mundane reasons. Butters' father uses fear as his primary tactic with Butters, once intentionally frightening him with threats of 'Super-AIDS'. Linda, however, has been shown to be much more tender to her son, hugging and kissing him often. Their acts of abusing him include:

  • In "Fun with Veal", They and the other parents grounded Butters and his friends for stealing baby calves and defying them as well as learning that terrorism is never the answer.
  • In "How to Eat with Your Butt", Linda grounded Butters for a week for his "goofy" looks at his school photo as well not allowing him to go with his friends to Kenny's house to see the ass people.
  • Probably the worst they have ever attempted was in "Butters' Very Own Episode", where Linda sent Butters to spy on his father to find out what he was getting her for their wedding anniversary, and, among other things, Butters saw Stephen go into a men's bathhouse. Butters did not understand what it was and told his mother, who then, in a spot of insanity, attempted to kill Butters by pushing a car with Butters inside off a dock. Linda then wrote a suicide note and was about to hang herself just when Stephen stepped in; the resulting confrontation changed her mind about suicide. Stephen and Linda tried to keep Butters' murder a secret and blamed it on "some Puerto Rican guy". Butters meanwhile found a way home and his parents came clean. When he found out that his mother had tried to kill him and his father was gay (or rather bisexual), he was horrified but tried to pass it off. When asked if he was really going to be okay after discovering all that he admitted "No, I'm lying."
  • Stephen physically beats Butters in "Jared Has Aides" - Cartman pretends to be Butters on the phone and insulted his parents, then he sat outside to hear Stephen and Linda tear through him. Considering Stephen and Linda's possible problems controlling their anger, it is implied they have beaten him more than this instance.
  • Stephen even threatened to ground Butters for things he cannot control in "The Death of Eric Cartman", where he orders him to stop having nightmares or he would be grounded.
  • They also may see him as disposable, as in "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset", they sell a reluctant Butters to Paris Hilton for $250 million. Butters realizes that many of Paris' pets have killed themselves and gets away, and Paris is swallowed anally by Mr. Slave. As a result, his parents ground him.
  • It is assumed that Linda and Stephen actually have some sort of compulsive need to punish Butters, as in "The Ungroundable", during which they threaten to ground him for minor mistakes such as misplacing the chocolate Quick mix. When Butters, under the belief that he is a vampire, refuses to listen to their threats, they become unnerved and afraid that they will never be able to ground Butters again. After Butters returns to his normal behavior, his parents become immensely relieved that they again have dominion over their son, and immediately proceed to ground him again.
  • In "Franchise Prequel", Coon and his friends called Stephen and Linda of Professor Chaos' crimes. Stephen drags Butters to Vladimir Putin where he grounded both Butters and Putin for all the damages they've caused.
  • In "The List", it is shown that Butters parents were planning to ground him if the girls at school thought he was the ugliest in the class.
  • In "Going Native", Stephen and Linda were called by Principal Victoria when learning Butters' misbehavior towards his teacher and classmates as well beating up Scott Malkinson (a kid with a lisp and diabetes). They were coming close of grounding Butters which would have been a fair case but was defied by their son.

At the end of the sixth season, in "My Future Self n' Me", Butters gets revenge on his parents for their abuse of him (culminating in them hiring an actor to pretend to be Butters' future self so as to scare him out of doing drugs) by paying Cartman to smear feces all over his house. The act ironically leads the Stotches to realize how badly they have treated their son and they apologize. Since then, the Stotches have not been shown hurting their son physically and in "About Last Night...", Stephen tells Butters that he loves him. However, he did believe that the world was soon going to end as Obama won the presidential election, so one could think this was because Stephen was going hysterical, or he wanted to make peace with his son.

It is shown on a number of occasions that Stephen and Linda really do care about Butters, but the former believes his methods are the best way in which to raise him. Linda seems to go along with Stephen's harshness because she believes it is the best for their son. In "Pre-School", both made a mistake for not letting Butters come inside the house when got himself severely tortured by Trent Boyett. In "Child Abduction is Not Funny", Stephen and Linda shown worried that Butters would get abducted. They bought a child tracker to force Butters to wear it just like the other kids and later stick together with him (which is worse than child tracker). In "Eat, Pray and Queef", Stephen shown worried of Butters when his son gotten queefed by a girl as well teaming up with the men (including the boys) to rid the world of queefing as well using Butters' photo of being a queefed victim as evidence. Linda becomes hysterical when he faked his death in "Marjorine" and becomes extremely distressed when he is missing in "Imaginationland" and "Casa Bonita".

Eric Cartman

Butters has become Cartman's most frequent victim. Butters sees Cartman as his good friend and treats him as so but in later episodes he treats Cartman the same as everybody else, but Cartman takes advantage of this and finds Butters extremely easy to manipulate and convert to his point of view, or get him to do what he wants.

While the foundation of Butters and Cartman’s relationship has largely been driven by Cartman’s selfishness and Butters’ kind, earnest desire to listen to his problems, comfort him after his failures, help him with any scheme he suggests and allow himself to be manipulated in unspeakable ways, the two have gradually the two boys have developed a genuine friendship over the years and Butters’ naivete seems to have invited Cartman to trust and confide in him in ways he rarely has with the other boys. Butters has picked up a number of habits from Cartman both positive and negative, including transphobia and misogynism, but has also notably pushed back on occasion and stood up to Cartman.

In "Eat, Pray, Queef", Cartman, Butters and the other boys were excited of the part ii of the Terrance and Phillip Blood Rage. But sadly disappointed about the Queef Sisters. Cartman brought a present for Butters for getting sick due to a girl queef at his face. Cartman, the other boys and all male adults used Butters' sickness as prove of queefing, causing to ban queef forever as well returning Terrance and Phillip.

Kyle Broflovski

Kyle's friendship with Butters is fairly decent and he prefers him over Cartman; Kyle generally treats Butters well (such as when he defended Butters for not kissing a girl in "Butters' Bottom Bitch"). Another example is when Kyle tried to help Butters when they were diagnosed as sex addicts in "Sexual Healing". However, like the other boys, he is not above using Butters as a "guinea pig" when it comes to experiments or undercover jobs, blaming him for writing The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs in the episode of the same name. Furthermore, when Kenny was dead during the Sixth Season, he, along with Stan, would coerce Butters to do things by saying "Kenny would have done it"; he would constantly talk about how Kenny was cool with the other two and abandon Butters until he would do, often dangerous, tasks. He also occasionally makes fun of Butters, swears at him or calls him names. Conversely, Butters has been shown to harass Kyle, as shown in "The List", and he has also "bullied" him for being Jewish, though this is usually under Cartman's influence. In "Eat, Pray, Queef", Kyle visited Butters when he got sick from being a queefed by a girl. He assure Butters that the men will take action for this queefing abuse when Kyle and all the men (including the boys) took a photo of Butters as evidence for being a victim of queefing abuse causing the men to ban queefing for life. When hearing Butters beats up Scott Malkinson (a kid who has a lisp and diabetes) and locked himself in the boy's restrooms, Kyle tries to lecture Butters that he cannot just go around, beating up people who have diabetes, but was trash-talked by Butters.

Kenny McCormick

Kenny's relationship with Butters has been extremely close as well, often acting like a big brother towards him (despite being younger.) They both usually get along well, and Butters even drew him a picture of them in an airplane together when Kenny was dying. Their friendship truly evolved in "Going Native" though, when Butters admitted that Kenny's the only kid at school that has any dignity and isn't "fake or stuck-up." In the same episode, Kenny also helped him board his plane to Hawaii, and goes through thick and thin to help Butters get his Hapa Noa, so he'll return to his cheery self. He can also be seen holding Butters' hand throughout most of the episode (much like he does with his younger sister, Karen.) Kenny also joined Butters' "Wieners Out" movement during the genders war inflicting upon South Park Elementary. He is later seen in the crowed of boys encouraging Butters to fight Nelly in "Douche and a Danish", indication that Kenny fully supports Butters' decision to form this retaliatory movement, as do the rest of the boys. Kenny visited Butters when he was sick due to him being queefed.

Bebe Stevens

Oh, yeah? Well, at least we have assholes, you dumb girl!
~ Butters to Bebe when she called him and the boys as assholes.

Butters has rivalry with Bebe Stevens, Bebe calls Butters and the other boys as assholes which he says they do have assholes and calling Bebe as a dumb girl. He tries to get Bebe to use her kisses for money only to the annoyed Bebe tells him to shut up. Butters talk shit towards Bebe causing her to beat up Butters. Bebe mocked Butters that he is lucky that Kyle saved his ass, which Butters replied back to her as "Fuck you, you fucking bitch!".

Kelly-Ann Barlow

Butters: Hey, Kelly-Ann. What's going on?

Kelly-Ann: What do you mean?
Butters: Looks like someone forgot what day it is. Haha? Pinch.

~ Butters when pinching Kelly-Ann for seemingly not wearing green at St. Patrick's Day.

Kelly-Ann was one of Butters' "bitch company".

In St. Patrick's Day, Butters pinched Kelly-Ann because he thought she didn't wear green but revealed she was wearing green socks which led to Butters to his arrest by the police for sexual assault.

Trent Boyett

Trent Boyett is Butters' bully at pre-school. Trent tries to beg Butters to tell the police the truth, but he says if he do that his parents would ground him. 5 years after he was release from juvenile hall, Butters learns Trent is back and attempting to hide himself. He tries to get to his home but his parents foolishly didn't open the door. Trent tortured Butters causing him to be hospitalize.


Is it true?!
~ Butters when asking the South Park Boys if they are telling the truth of what is happening.
Awww... We're still grounded?
~ Butters when he and the Boys are grounded by their parents for defying them at "Fun With Veal" despite they learned their lessons.
Hello sir. Postman Butters here with a special delivery for you.
~ Butters
An all new Sushi restaurant opened up in South Park. Try their lunch specials.
~ Butters on new Sushi restaurant
It's okay Billy. We're going to get to the bottom of this.
~ Butters to Billy
If you ever got beat up by a girl, everyone would think you were a fa--ot.
~ Butters
~ Butters's heroic breakdown
Where's Mr. Hat, sir?
~ Butters to Mr. Garrison about Mr. Hat
Wendy and Eric are fightin' after school!
~ Butters announcing all the kids that Wendy is going to fight Cartman.
I see you, lady bug. Hello, lady lady bug.
~ Butters when seeing a lady bug while getting bored of baseball.
Fuck you, you fucking bitch!
~ Butters to Bebe.
Hey, Clyde. You've got your green one! Hey, Jimmy! Nice green pants!
~ Butters when seeing his friends in St Patrick's Day.
The Germans want to kill us?
~ Butters to the Boys about the Germans want to kill them.

External Links


           South Park sign Heroes

The Main Boys
Stan Marsh | Kyle Broflovski | Eric Cartman | Kenny McCormick

Kids of South Park
Butters Stotch | The New Kid | Wendy Testaburger | Jimmy Valmer | Craig Tucker | Tweek Tweak | Pip Pirrip | Clyde Donovan | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Bebe Stevens | Heidi Turner | Red McArthur | Lola | Jenny Simons | Shelly Marsh | Kevin McCormick | Ike Broflovski | The Goth Kids | Scott Malkinson | Annie Knitts | Bradley Biggle | Nichole Daniels | Kelly | Karen McCormick

Adults of South Park
Randy Marsh | Sharon Marsh | Jerome "Chef" McElroy | Herbert "Janet" Garrison | Gerald Broflovski | Sheila Broflovski | Liane Cartman | Stuart McCormick | Carol McCormick | Steve Black | Mr. Mackey | Sergeant Harrison Yates | Mayor McDaniels | Tuong Lu Kim | Jimbo Kern | Ned Gerblansky | Mr. Slave | Big Gay Al | PC Principal | Strong Woman | Father Maxi | Officer Barbrady | Dr. Mephesto

Other Characters
Terrance and Phillip | Satan | Jesus Christ | Santa Claus | Super Best Friends | Mr. Hankey | Toolshed | Human Kite | Super Craig | God | Doctor Timothy | Freddy Krueger | Ugly Bob | Brian Boitano | Gene Hackman | Cesar Millan | Marvin Marsh | Robert Smith
