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Heroes Wiki
Buzz Blister

Buzz Blister is Biff Buzzard’s partner and a major character in Tom and Jerry movies Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry and Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars.

He was voiced by Jess Harnell.


Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars[]

Buzz first appears with Biff when they go on stage at the space station that they have been chosen for the space mission to Mars. Buzz tries to make a speech but can't because the back of the stage collapses with Tom and Jerry behind getting green paint and being mistaken for aliens and Buzz and Biff hiding in terror behind Dr. Gluckman. Towards the end of the film, Buzz does not take the alien invasion seriously and for this reason he is incinerated by an alien, much to the sadness of Biff who cries for him, even though they fought and argued for a long time in the film. But then he is revived and Biff is happy about it, even if in the end when the world is saved they still argue.

Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry[]

In this movie, Buzz and Biff get along completely and we see that they have abandoned their jobs as astronauts and become the reports of J.W.'s super race.


           Tom and Jerry Logo Heroes

Main Heroes
Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse

Spike the Bulldog | Tuffy | Tyke Bulldog | Uncle Pecos | Joan | George | Newt | Topo

Droopy | Dripple | Red | Screwy Squirrel | Jonny Quest | Hadji | Dr. Benton Quest | Race Bannon | Bandit

Robyn Starling | Puggsy | Frankie DaFlea | Mr. Starling | Athena | Puffy | Robin Hood | Kayla Forester

Blast Off to Mars
Peep | Biff Buzzard | Buzz Blister | Commander Bristle | Dr. Gluckman

A Nutcracker Tale
La Petite Ballerina | Paulie the Elf | Nelly the Horse

Meet Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes | Watson | Miss Red

The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy Gale | Toto | Scarecrow | Tin Woodman | Cowardly Lion
