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Christine Berman, also known as Ziggy Berman or C.Berman, is one of the main protagonists of the Netflix dark horror film Fear Street trilogy.
She is portrayed by Gillian Jacobs (who voices Atom Eve in Invincible and Sta'abi in Monsters vs. Aliens) as the older counterpart C. Berman in 1994 and 1666, while young Ziggy Berman in 1978 and Constance Berman in 1666 is played by Sadie Sink (who plays Max Mayfield from Stranger Things).
A rebellious teenager at Camp Nightwing in 1978, the traumatized C. Berman/Ziggy is the town's resident, who is the only sole survivor of the Nightwing massacre and mourns the death of her sister Cindy and uses her name as a coverup, and spent the last sixteen years isolated. She helps Deena, Josh, and Martin save Shadyside by killing Nick Goode.
In the end of the first film of 1994, Deena believes the curse is broken until C. Berman calls to tell her she’s wrong and Sam becomes possessed by Sarah Fier and attempts to kill Deena. The final moments of the film show Deena vowing to bring her girlfriend back from the witch’s clutches, setting the stage for the next two movies.
In Fear Street: 1978 Deena and Josh visits C. Berman's house for help on how she survived the Camp Nightwing massacre and Ziggy shares with them the story and the film goes back to 78. Ziggy gets hanged to a tree by Sunnyvalers who attempted to burn her until young Nick Goode helps her down and walks her back to camp. She goes to see Nurse Lane who carries and notebook of where the witch’s hand might be to avenge the death of her late daughter Ruby Lane till she became possessed after stitching Ziggy's arm. She then gets into a brief argument with her sister about how things became bad in their lives after the family fell apart, later sets a trap for vengeance on Sheila but is visited by Nick who helps her with a better idea by using the bugs from the science room.
Which works as Sheila was locked in the bathroom, Ziggy and Nick talk each other’s stories then shares a kiss which was interrupted when a young camper dies and the whole camp was to evacuate. She heads back to the bathroom to get Sheila who briefly attacks her until she gets knocked out with one punch and hears her sister and Alice from below the toilet, then tries to pick them up until the Nightwing killer chases her. Ziggy gets rescued by Nick which gives her enough time to run to the kitchen, picks up a knife to wait and stab him before being strangled to the point of covering his head with a bag to suffocate him which temporarily work until he broke free and is briefly dead after Cindy saves her by stabbing him repeatedly. She bleeds over the witch’s hand, touches it to have absorb her memories, then she, Cindy, and Alice attempted to bury it under the tree believing it would end the curse only to have Alice and Cindy killed protecting Ziggy from the killers who were attracted to her for having the witch’s memories and kills Ziggy. However Goode managed to perform CPR on her which saved her life and she adopts her late sister’s full name and is traumatized by the event for the next sixteen years, leading back to 94 she tells Deena and her brother where the missing hand of Sarah Fier was and they go to retrieve it to finish what she tried to decades ago to save Sam's soul and Shadyside.
However, during the events in the third film of 1666, Deena has her spirit send back in time into Sarah Fier's body to relive her life in 66 to realize the truth about Solomon Goode the ancestor of Nick Goode who made a deal with the Devil through the book of Satan to possess and kill the pastor Cyrus Miller, and framed Sarah as a witch for the town to hang her but not before she eternally vowed to have Goode true nature to be revealed. Deena returns to the present and shares it with her and is shocked to find out that her former love interest was responsible for her late sister’s death and sets out with her allies to kill him to end his deal with the Devil once and for all to avenge her sister and save Shadyside. The killers follows Deena's blood and uses it to distract them from her long enough for Goode to arrive and confronts Ziggy over the Mall's tree to drop the bucket of blood on him and lure the killer at him, but he grabs her to cover himself for Deena to get them away or else both of them die.
Deena managed to lead them off her and goes after Goode in the tunnels while the others fight the killers with the water guns filled with blood til eventually they run out. Berman then shoots Ruby through the head with the police gun to save Josh and fires at Barker then runs out of ammo, gets surrounded by the killers with Josh and Martian but Deena hears a whisper of Sarah Fier's voice from the heart of the Devil and in effort places Goode's hand on it to have him see to victims ever been harmed by him and his family before. Which distracted him for Sarah though Deena's body to stab him in the eye causing all the killer to vanish, Sam's soul is restored, and victory was won. She later visited Nurse Lane to give back her Notebook for satisfaction of both their loved ones deaths.
Powers & Abilities[]
Former Powers[]
- Memory Absorption: In 1978, She bleeds over Sarah's hand, touches it to have temporarily absorb her memories and the killers were attracted to her blood and kills Ziggy. However, after receiving CPR from Goode which saved her life she lost this effect and returned to normal.
- Prank Intuition: In 78, Ziggy was talented at performing pranks on enemies for fun as she planned to copycat from “Carrie White” to dump what looked like blood on Sheila but instead uses bugs with the support from Nick which later succeeded. Sixteen years later, she uses Deena's blood for the same prank on him as a trap for the killers to target him which almost worked but backfired.
- Brawling: Berman was a well brutal fighter in defending herself against threats head on, as when her arms were hanged to a tree back in 1978 she elbowed Sheila in the face which caused her nose to bleed. Then after her prank, she punched her hard enough to be knocked unconscious, and was able to stab the Camp Nightwing killer to the chest only to be briefly strangled by him but escapes it by covering his head with bag in attempt to suffocate him which failed.
- Skilled Marksmanship: C. Berman/Ziggy also has a proficiency in marksmanship, as she used her water gun filled with Deena's blood to have one of the killers as a target for the other ones to temporarily kill. Then she shoots Ruby through the head with the police gun to save Josh and fires at Barker till she ran out of ammo.