Better simply known as 99. He was the Kaminoans first attempt to create a more specialized clone with enhancements. However, it was a botched attempt that had 99 come out misshapen and somewhat older, akin to a disabled middle aged man. With no use on the battlefield, he was put to use as a janitor.
Like the rest of the Clones, he looks like Jango Fett. However, he is naturally bald, and more aged. He wears grey bodysuit.
Despite his physical disability, 99 had a bright and positive outlook; always giving sage-like advice to his clone brothers. He even gave Hevy his name, because he "was the anchor" keeping his group together.
When the droids attack Kimino to destroy the Fett DNA, 99 showed tactical brilliance in helping arm the Clones and cadets. 99 proved himself incredibly brave, making a suicide run for grenades against Droid lasers; just to ensure his brothers could survive. Gregor noted that "we lost a true soldier today" when 99 passed from his wounds.