Cain von Silford is the titular main protagonist of the isekai light novel, manga, and anime series Chronicles of an Aristocrat Reborn in Another World. Formerly Kazuya Shiina, he was reborned in another world as the third offspring of the Silford lineage with the purpose assigned him to advance the world he now inhabits and to vanquish of the sadistic ancient God, Aaron.
He is voiced by Yoshino Nanjō in Japanese and by Trina Nishimura in English.
Cain is an attractive boy with large blue eyes and messy white hair with often a cowlick at the top and a few lock of navy color: two distinctive on his left. As a student of the Esfort Royal Academy, Cain sports the male student attire with a white collar and a golden bat-shaped emblem on the center of his torso. As he grew older, he gets a slim and taller build.
Cain is boy often acting on impulse that leads to his unconventional demeanor and an absense of awareness regarding the impact of his actions. He is an upbeat and brave youth who prioritizes the well-being of others. From a young age, following his rebirth, Cain is captivated by magic and swordplay, delving deeply into the intricacies of magic and relishes battling formidable creatures. Kind and modest, he treats everyone with respect, regardless of their status. Despite being endowed with various abilities by the Seven Deities, he remains a modest individual and uninterested in using them for political gain, preferring a life of adventure. He is self-assured in his abilities and remains composed in various circumstances, such as when facing unknown adventurers. Though generally amiable, he despises arrogance and can be somewhat vindictive. He is indifferent to enforcing royal decrees and, while he claims to desire a normal life, he frequently involves himself in others' issues, showcasing his powers without much consideration. Cain has a charming demeanor personality that allows to interact on good terms with women, frequently making them blush without trying, earning him the label of a natural flirt. He has a good relationship with his sister, Reine von Silford, and Palma, but struggles with the teasing from his fiancées, Telestia and Silk.
Despite his loved ones, he occasionally laments his life, feeling burdened by his noble status and the responsibility of defeating the evil god Aaron.