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Hero Overview

The Cameramen are the main protagonists of the webseries Skibidi toilet and its video game adaptation Skibidi War: Toilets Attack. They are a species of humanoid beings with cameras for heads and the first ones to have started fighting against the Skibidi Toilets.


The Cameramen overall appear as humanoid creatures virtually indistinguishable from normal humans, with the exception of the cameras they have for heads of course (which, by the way, can be used to record just like normal cameras). While their skin seemingly isn't any different from a human's, the Cameramen don't possess blood or organs inside their bodies, having electrical wires instead.

The Cameramen overall don't look too different from each other, being all humanoid, having cameras for heads and wearing suits, with usually the only notable differences being the colors (although there are some notable exceptions, like the Large Cameramen).

They are also shown to possess an incredibly advanced technology, being able to create things of various kinds, such as weapons and vehicles (their most notable invention, however, is the Titan Cameraman).

The Cameramen don't seem able to communicate verbally, and instead use simple gestures, with their most common one being giving thumbs up.


The Cameramen's origins are a mystery, although they apparently existed before the Skibidi Toilets' invasion.

Much like their enemies, the Cameramen continuously upgraded their units and weapons, eventually managing to create the powerful Titan Cameraman, who almost succeeded in defeating the G-Toilet before being forced to retreat.

As the war continued the Cameramen formed an alliance with the Speakermen, receiving a big advantage thanks to the latter's Titan (who, unfortunately, was eventually controlled by the Parasitic Skibidi Toilets alongside various Cameramen and Speakermen).

The Cameramen also eventually received help from the mysterious TV Men, and even though their Titan was unsuccessful in defeating the G-Toilet the Cameramen didn't give up; as a matter of fact, they upgraded the Titan Cameraman in a secret location, eventually releasing him into the battlefield once more.

Eventually the Cameramen managed to free the Titan Speakerman and turn him back on their side.

Notable Members[]


  • While the Cameramen's exact origins are currently unknown, a theory is that they were created by humans as a mean to fight off the Skibidi Toilets.
    • Another theory is that the Cameramen are actually enhanced humans. This is supported by the fact that the Cameramen are shown more than once to possess seemingly normal human skin and Plungerwoman memories.
  • The Cameramen are based off the 4chan Creepypasta Cameraheads and the short film The Boy with a Camera for a Face.
  • Before Skibidi Toilet, Cameramen are appeared in DaFuq!?Boom!' music video named "Blugray - Demand" and served as the main antagonist.

External Links[]


            Skibidi Toilet Heroes

The Alliance
Cameramen (Titan Cameraman | Plungerman | Scientist Cameraman | Plungerwoman | Lucky Cameraman | Cameramen (Skibidi War - Toilets Attack)) | Speakermen (Titan Speakerman | Speakerwoman | Dark Speakerman) | TV Men (Titan TV Man | Polycephaly | TV Woman | TV Daddy | Scientist TV Man)

Secret Agent
