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I am the winner, and as my prize, I DEMAND that you let me see my brother!
~ Jamie.

Jamie Roberts was one of the chosen drivers in the follow-up 1996 Twisted Metal 2 and a recurring contestant in the Twisted Metal franchise. The sister of Carl Roberts, Jamie desire to seek the truth behind her's brother missing before decide to take down the tourament itself.

She succeed and later shares her brother's role as the driver of Outlaw.


Twisted Metal 2[]

After the missing of her brother, Jamie put it upon herself to see the truth behind his missing. She defeated all the other contestants and upon seeing Calypso, demands the man to let her see her missing brother. Calypso agreed and trick her into space, but Jamie planned it all along and put rocket's right behind her vehicle so she could take her brother home.

They vow the next time they'll met Calypso, they will take their vengeance on him.


Winning the contest, Jamie and Carl come face to face with the devil. Carl desire to put his vengeance on him, but Jamie refused and tell him that all they had to do right then is to stop the contest. The agruement eventually snaps Carl as he wishes that she will shut up, resulting in her becoming mute as her mouth then dissapears.


  • It is believed that the TMIII tournament was held one year after TM2. However, according to Jamie's age, it is actually five years later. It is unknown if that is simply the next tournament she enters, or if the two tournaments are truly five years apart (although it could be possible that it somehow took five years for her and Carl to get back to Earth).
  • She shares her first name with her voice actress in TM2.


           Twisted Metal Series LogoHeroes

Twisted Metal(1995)
Agent StoneAngela FortinBruce CochraneBruce Cochrane's GirlfriendCaptain SpearsScott CampbellSergeant Carl RobertsPolice

Twisted Metal 2
AxelCaptain Jamie RobertsKrista SparksMarcus KaneMortimer Scharf

Twisted Metal 4
OrbitalQuatroZanita Corbett

Twisted Metal: Black
Agent StoneBlackDollfaceJohn DoeNo-FacePreacherRavenWarhawkMinion

Twisted Metal: Head-On
Agent ShepardColonel Hall

Twisted Metal (2012)
PreacherHoly Men

TV Shows
Twisted Metal (2023)
John DoeQuietRavenLoudAgent Stone
