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Heroes Wiki

Billy Batson, aka Captain Marvel, is the supporting character of Justice League Unlimited. While still attending elementary school, Billy became a member of the Justice League through his superhero identity Captain Marvel. However, a fight between himself and Superman that was secretly engineered by Lex Luthor caused Billy to see that the main heroes of that league that he looked up to—particularly Superman—were no longer acting like heroes and after the fight Billy resigned his membership in order to keep his morals and idealism intact.

Billy Batson was voiced by Shane Haboucha, while Captain Marvel was voiced by Jerry O'Connell.


Billy Batson was a young boy who, by saying the magic word "SHAZAM!", became the powerful and popular crimefighter Captain Marvel. Still coming into his own as a young superhero, Billy would strive to follow the example of his favorite hero: Superman. To his credit, Captain Marvel quickly became respected and admired, both in his home of Fawcett City and beyond. He was eventually extended an invitation to join the expanded Justice League.

Billy believed in fair play, taking people at their word and giving them the benefit of the doubt, an optimistic viewpoint that very often borders on naiveté (but then, he's still in grade school). He attended C.C. Binder Elementary School and was frequently late due to super-hero duties.


Captain Marvel has a wide variety of abilities, similar to the powers of the gods.

He possesses:

  • The Wisdom of Solomon (super intellect, omnilinguism, hypnosis, and clairvoyance).
  • The Strength of Hercules (vast super strength).
  • The Stamina of Atlas (super endurance and self-sustenance).
  • The Power of Zeus (transformation into Captain Marvel and back to Billy, enhancement of powers, magical resistance).
  • The Courage of Achilles (invulnerability and mental resistance).
  • The Speed of Mercury (supersonic flight and speed).


            DCAU logo Heroes

Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures
Main Characters
Batman | Robin | Nightwing | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Catwoman
Harvey Bullock | Creeper | Harvey Dent | Zatanna | Janet Van Dorn | Yoru Sensei
Gray Ghost | Charlie Collins | Earl Cooper | Michael Stromwell | Phantasm

Superman: The Animated Series
Main Characters
Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl
Lana Lang | The Flash | Aquaman | Orion | Steel

Batman Beyond
Main Characters
Terry McGinnis | Bruce Wayne | Dana Tan | Maxine Gibson

Static Shock
Main Characters
Static Shock | Gear | Rubberband Man
She-Bang | Anansi

The Zeta Project
Main Characters
Zeta | Rosalie Rowan

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited
Main Characters
Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Hawkgirl | Green Lantern | Martian Manhunter)
Green Arrow | Black Canary | Huntress | The Question | Captain Marvel | Booster Gold | The Atom | Mister Miracle | Big Barda | Fire | Captain Atom | Vigilante | Gypsy | Justice Guild of America
