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Heroes Wiki

Allow me to show you... what they call a virtuoso.
~ Carl Clover

Carl Clover is a supporting character from BlazBlue who dropped out of the Military Academy. With his sister, Ada Clover now known as Nirvana, they are both vigilantes, and they are two of the strongest. He is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in Japanese and Michelle Ruff in English, both of whom also voiced Velvet from Odin Sphere.


Continuum Shift[]

A brilliant student prodigy and first class vigilante, Carl has brought many criminals to justice with the aid of his mysterious doll Nirvana, which he believes to be his elder sister, Ada Clover. Carl heads to Kagutsuchi to retrieve the bounty for Ragna the Bloodedge. He is a former classmate of Noel, Jin, Makoto, and Tsubaki when they were in the Military Academy, but he dropped out. Carl wants to get revenge on his father Relius Clover, for what he did to Carl's older sister, Ada. In some part of his story, Carl meets Bang Shishigami, and Bang calls him his "cute little disciple".

Carl has decided to search for his father, Relius, in order to find out more information about any connection between his sister and the Nirvana doll. Near the start of the story, he comes across a wounded Ragna and nearly finishes him off, but Nirvana won't let him kill Ragna for good. Instead, he decides to follow his sister's lead and head elsewhere. He ends up running into a handful of his old NOL classmates, like Noel, Tsubaki and Makoto. Despite being wounded in his fights, he keeps himself going with a drug that was apparently used to keep soldiers awake on the battlefield during the Ikaruga Civil War. However, he seems to be no closer to finding information about his father.

After fighting Litchi in the Library, Carl's emotional barriers break down. He carried with himself a great deal of hatred of adults after his father apparently tortured his sister Ada while he watched in order to transmute her soul into the body of Nirvana. However, both of them are shocked when Relius himself appears at the top of a stairway, referring to Ada as an obsolete model. When Carl accuses him of torturing Ada, Relius responds that she was a willing test subject. Relius then reveals a new fighting doll called Ignis, who looks similar to Nirvana. Relius orders Ignis to finish them off, but Nirvana teleports both Carl and Litchi away to safety before Ignis can harm them. At this, Relius replies "Interesting response... Ada."

When Carl comes to, he becomes very upset, as he tells Litchi that Ignis "was his mother". Because of this, it's inferrable that Relius transformed Ignis Clover into Fluctus Redacium: Ignis, just like he had with Ada Clover.

Later on, after Relius leaves the scene, Carl decides to head to Ikaruga with Ada to find a way to change her back, as well as find more information about Fluctus Redacium: Ignis.


Headstrong and intelligent are two words that succinctly describe the bravado that Carl often shows. His behaviour is often courteous and gentlemanly to both friends and enemies alike, and he will often demonstrate his linguistic capabilities. That said, his manner belies that of a child who has lost his family, and he'll often be driven to the very edges of his mental limits thanks to the cruel circumstances that plague his life. Because of the trauma received by his father's treatment of his family, Carl has a deep mistrust on adults. For Carl, most adults are stupid, selfish and usually outright evil, although Litchi and Bang seems to be an exception for him. As a wielder of a Nox Nyctores, Carl has side effects that often come into play, such as an incredible and insatiable desire to attack others under the guise that his sister commanded him to attack. This mental instability clashes heavily with his otherwise sophisticated behavior.


Carl is a gifted wielder of the Deus Machina: Nirvana despite his young age and fragile appearance. The two make a perfect pair as Nirvana's wide array of options are perfectly complimented by Carl's different knights that he keeps with him to attack an opponent; as a testament to this, Carl's strength is enough to even keep up with the likes of Izayoi. When fighting alongside his parents, Relius and Ignis, Carl and Nirvana are nigh unbeatable. His Drive in the game is called Automaton, which allows him to control Nirvana.



  • According to an unlockable CGI image in Calamity Trigger, Carl's glasses allow him to speak to Nirvana, along with telephone booths and mail boxes. There is no known proof of this, though, but it could be possible.
  • In some of Carl's early designs, he was depicted with red eyes like Rachel and Ragna. It could very well be possible that Carl was originally planned to be a vampire.
  • Carl's birthday, May 5, is also the date of the Japanese and Korean holiday Children's Day, and the American/Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo.
  • With the exception of Deus Ex Machina, Automaton and Synchro High Speed, all of Carl's attack names are named after musical terms.
  • When he is electrocuted, there is what looks like a small Nirvana-like object with a controller, and two wires are connected to his head.
  • The term "Deus ex machina" is Latin for "god out of the machine" (plural: dei ex machina); is a plot device whereby a seemingly inextricable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object.
  • Carl is the only playable character since Calamity Trigger that doesn't appear in the Calamity Trigger story of the Chimelical Complex Manga.
  • One of Carl's color palettes is similar to that of Dorthy Albright from Arcana Heart.
  • Gameplay and story-wise, Carl is the BlazBlue counterpart of Guilty Gear's Bridget. Both are bounty hunters, though their successes are inverted (Carl is a successful bounty hunter whereas Bridget is a failure), are young boys, and have been hit on (Carl by Makoto Nanaya and Bridget by Jam Kuradoberi). Carl's Ada Clover parallels Bridget's Roger teddy bear.