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Heroes Wiki

And so, our hero's tale comes to an end. To the beast, he is a thief. To his family, he is a huge slob. To his neighbors, he is the reason house prices are going down in the area. But to me, he will always be... my master.
~ Cartax at the end of "The Routine," revealing itself as the narrator behind the episode.

Cartax is a minor character in the Cartoon Network animated series The Amazing World of Gumball.

It serves as the Watterson family's vehicle and frequently gets damaged or destroyed during their various antics, only to reappear fully restored in later episodes. In "The Routine," it is revealed that Cartax is sentient and can communicate with its master, Richard Watterson.

While sentient, it is voiced by Togo Igawa.


Cartax is an old station wagon, resembling a 1977 Ford Pinto and other typical 1970s station wagons, though its design features more geometric lines. The car is yellow with wooden panels on the side, its interior is beige, and it can accommodate up to five passengers.


In "The Routine," Richard sets off on a mission to complete a simple task: "Get mayo." Encouraged by a mysterious narrator, he ultimately stops being lazy and drives Cartax to the supermarket. After covering many miles, Cartax's hazard lights mysteriously activate as Richard drives through the mist and encounters Mrs. Jötunheim. Later, at a toll booth, Richard refuses to pay the fee, leading to an attack by a group of trolls.

Continuing his journey, Richard reaches a construction zone, where Cartax seemingly sacrifices itself in a pool of cement so that Richard can proceed, leaving him in despair. Upon arriving at the supermarket on foot, he finds the building in flames and learns from Larry Needlemeyer that a beast, later revealed to be Mr. Rex, bought out everything with coupons. Determined, Richard tracks the beast to its lair, the Elmore wrecking yard, where he discovers the last jar of mayonnaise. After a long chase, Richard miraculously finds Cartax buried under a pile of garbage and uses it to escape the junkyard.

He eventually makes it home, places the jar of mayo in the fridge, and falls asleep on the couch just before his family arrives for burger night. The narrator concludes with the family and town's opinion of Richard as a lazy slob, but insists that to him, he will always be his "master," thus revealing Cartax was the one narrating the story all along before finishing with a horse's whine.


  • The name is a play on "Car" and "Artax," the horse from The NeverEnding Story.

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           The Amazing World of Gumball logo Heroes

Watterson Family
Gumball Watterson | Darwin Watterson | Anais Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Richard Watterson | Joanna Watterson | Louie Watterson

Fitzgerald Family
Penny Fitzgerald | Polly Fitzgerald | Patrick Fitzgerald | Judith Fitzgerald

Robinson Family
Gaylord Robinson | Rocky Robinson

Banana Family
Banana Joe | Banana Barbara

Wilson Family
Tobias Wilson | Rachel Wilson

Yoshida Family
Masami Yoshida | Yuki Yoshida

Jötunheim Family
Hector Jötunheim | Mrs. Jötunheim

Elmore Junior High Students and Staff Members
Carrie Krueger | Leslie | Sarah G. Lato | Bobert 6B | Teri | Molly Collins | Alan Keane | Carmen Verde | Idaho | Sussie | Juke | Anton | Clayton | Billy Parham | Clare Cooper | Nigel Brown | Steve Small | Joan Markham | Moonchild Corneille

Elmore Citizens
Larry Needlemeyer | Donut Cop | Gary Hedges | Marvin Finklehimer | Mike the Microphone Guy | Pest Controller

Santa Claus | Sluzzle Dude | Chimera | New Bobert | Cartax
