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Casshan or Casshern is the main protagonist of the series, Neo-Human Casshern (新造人間キャシャーン Shinzō Ningen Kyashān?). He is an android — the union of Tetsuya Azuma's consciousness with an invincible body. His body features a number of unique android functions, including superhuman speed, agility and strength, an opening and closing face mask, a golden crescent-shaped solar panel on his forehead and waist-mounted pulsar propellers that can also be used as weapons.


Tetsuya Azuma (東鉄也 Azuma Tetsuya?), also known as Casshern, is an android with a human consciousness, also known as a neoroider (人造人間 Jinzō Ningen?lit. "artificial human"). Tetsuya turned himself into an android to hunt down and destroy the robots that have taken over the world.

His biological father, Dr. Kotaro Azuma, was the inventor of the automatons that were originally intended to serve humankind. However, the first android, BK-1, was struck by lightning and went out of control. Despite great efforts to stop it, BK-1 used its great strength to escape from the castle. After some time, it renamed itself Buraiking Boss (often mistranslated in English as "Black King Boss"; the name is derived from 無頼 or burai,meaning rogue or brute, using the symbols for "trust" and "nothing," but phonetically "Bu Rai" can mean "Lightning Man" or "Lightning Warrior," so the name fits with his background). The Buraiking Boss then built a robot army against mankind. The robots mutinied en masse when they logically concluded that the good of the Earth's ecosystem required the destruction of the human race.

Casshern and his robotic dog, Friender, join forces with a beautiful girl named Luna Kozuki to battle the robots led by the Buraiking Boss. Friender can transform itself into a tank or a jet aircraft and actively helps Casshern fight the robot army. Casshern has great strength and agility, but he is not armed, except for a pair of strange pistols, which are used more like rockets than weapons. While the robots are huge and robust machines, almost all of them have an antenna on top of their heads; ripping it off usually causes them to explode, so they are relatively vulnerable. Casshern can usually destroy the robots with his bare hands, dispatching a great number in any given battle.

However, Casshern also has some weak points. His body must be re-charged with solar energy and cannot sustain very long battles without risking low battery power. Luna started out as being totally harmless, until her father built an electromagnetic pistol, which was easily capable of destroying the robots.


           Capcom Vs. Heroes

Capcom Universe
Ada Wong | Akuma | Alex | Amaterasu | Amingo | Anakaris | Arthur | Batsu Ichimonji | Blanka | Cammy White | Captain Commando | Charlie Nash | Chris Redfield | Chun-Li | Crimson Viper | Dan Hibiki | Dante | Dhalsim | Dr. Light | E. Honda | Felicia | Fei Long | Firebrand | Frank West | Guile | Guy | Hayato Kanzaki | Hideo Shimazu | Hsien-Ko (Lei-Lei) | Ingrid | Iris | Jill Valentine | Jin Saotome | Jon Talbain | June Lin Milliam | Juri Han | Kaijin no Soki | Karin Kanzuki | Ken Masters | Kyoko Minazuki | Kyosuke Kagami | Lady | Leo | Leon S. Kennedy | Lilith Aensland | Luke | Maki Genryusai | Maya Fey | Mega Man Series (Mega Man | Mega Man X | Mega Man Volnutt) | Mike Haggar | Miles Edgeworth | Monster Hunter | Morrigan Aensland | Nathan Spencer | Phoenix Wright | Regina | Rolento | Roll | Roll Caskett | Rose | Ruby Heart | Ryu | Sagat | Saki Omokane | Sakura Kasugano | Servbots | Sexy Silvia | Sonson | Strider Hiryu | Sylphie | Tessa | Trish | Tron Bonne | Unknown Soldiers | Vergil | Viewtiful Joe | Yun | Zangief | Zero

Marvel Universe
Black Panther | Black Widow | Cable | Captain America | Captain Marvel | Colossus | Cyclops | Deadpool | Death's Head | Doctor Strange | Gambit | Gamora | Ghost Rider | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iceman | Iron Fist | Iron Man | Jubilee | Juggernaut | Magneto | Marrow | Nova | Phoenix | Psylocke | Rocket Raccoon | Rogue | She-Hulk | Spider-Man | Storm | Thor Odinson | Venom | War Machine | Winter Soldier | Wolverine | X-23

SNK Universe
Akari Ichijou | Athena Asamiya | Benimaru Nikaido | Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Haohmaru | Hibiki Takane | Iori Yagami | Kim Kaphwan | King | Kyo Kusanagi | Leona Heidern | Mai Shiranui | Nakoruru | Rock Howard | Ryo Sakazaki | Ryuhaku Todoh | Terry Bogard | Yuri Sakazaki

Namco Universe
Alisa Bosconovitch | Alisa Ilinichina Amiella | Andaba | Armor King I | Asuka Kazama | Aty | Aura | BlackRose | Bob Richards | Bravoman | Chizuru Urashima | Christie Monteiro | Ciel Alencon | Craig Marduk | Enma | Estellise Sidos Heurassein | Flynn Scifo | Gilgamesh | Guntz | Haken Browning | Haseo | Heihachi Mishima | Heishiro Mitsurugi | High Priestess | Hiromi Tengenji | Hwoarang | Ishtar | Jin Kazama | Judas | Julia Chang | Kaguya Nanbu | Kazuya Mishima | Ki | King II | Kite | Klonoa | Kogoro Tenzai | KOS-MOS | Kuma II | Kurino Sandra | Lars Alexandersson | Lei Wulong | Lili Rochefort | Lindow Amamiya | Ling Xiaoyu | Lolo | Marshall Law | Masuyo Tobi | Mii Kouryuuji | Miyuki-Chan | M.O.M.O. Mizrahi | Nana Kozuki | Natsu | Neneko / Neito | Nina Williams | Otohime | Pac-Man | Paul Phoenix | Raven | Reiji Arisu | Rutee Katrea | Sänger Zonvolt | Sabine | Saya | Shion Uzuki | Soma Schicksal | Stahn Aileron | Steve Fox | T-Elos | Taira no Kagekiyo | Taizo Hori | Taki | Tarosuke | Valkyrie | Waya Hime | Wonder Momo | Xiaomu | Yoshimitsu | Yuri Lowell | Zuhl

Tatsunoko Universe
Casshan | Gold Lightan | Hakushon Daimao | Ippatsuman | Joe the Condor | Jun the Swan | Karas | Ken the Eagle | Omotchama | Polimar | Tekkaman | Tekkaman Blade | Yatterman No.1 | Yatterman No.2 | Yatter-Pelican | Yatter-Wan

Sega Universe
Akira Yuki | Axel Stone | Bahn | Blaze the Cat | Bruno Delinger | Chaotix Detective Agency (Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile) | Erica Fontaine | Freedom Fighters (Amy Rose | Antoine D'Coolette | Archie Sonic | Big the Cat | Bunnie Rabbot | Cheese the Chao | Cream the Rabbit | Miles "Tails" Prower | Sally Acorn) | Garigliano | Gemini Sunrise | Goro Majima | Hotsuma | Ichiro Ogami | Imca | Kazuma Kiryu | Knuckles the Echidna | Kurt Irving | Leanne | NiGHTS | Opa-Opa | Pai Chan | Riela Marcellis | Rikiya Busujima | Ryo Hazuki | Sakura Shinguji | Sally Acorn | Segata Sanshiro | Silver the Hedgehog | Sonic the Hedgehog | Sticks the Badger | Team Dark (E-123 Omega | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog) | Toma | Ulala | Vashryon | Vyse | Zephyr

Nintendo Universe
Chrom | Fiora | Lucina | Tiki

Sony/PlayStation Universe
Cole MacGrath | Kuro | Toro Inoue
