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Heroes Wiki
That’s exactly what Doug used to say *beat* see ya later new Doug.
~ Korg.

Comic Relief is the funny leader and/or sidekick who always are the center of attention, and is always trying help the hero by cheering up with some comedy. This is meant to be as exclusive as Game Changer meaning it should not be in settings such as actual comedy. In short, they are humorous characters in serious stories that they are a great provide in lightening the mood with their occasional comedic moments that is not in a comedy.

Pure Good heroes can only qualify if they meet all the criteria and taken very seriously in-universe despite their comedic moments, as a Comic Relief's humor is genuinely played off to make them less serious.

Comedy heroes can never qualify unless there is a game changer or a pure good in the story the hero is in, considering if a hero is in comic relief, it means the story is very serious but this hero lightens up the story, while comedy heroes are in a story that is very comedy intended.

They are the opposite of Game Changers.

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