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Heroes Wiki
The last 500 years has seen what a hundred different states was originally consolidate into the seven that stand today. You could say that given that trend, unification into one single nation is the answer that our history seeks. Of course, I am fully aware that you also have your own reasons for fighting. And it is because both of us remain unbending in our convictions...that we stand here now on a battlefield, to settle with Might what words alone cannot.
~ Ou Hon to Ba Nan Ji, Kingdom
When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation, so the Earth Kingdom can be free again.
~ Iroh

Heroic Conquerors, or Benevolent Rulers, are the good counterparts to Tyrants. They are powerful heroes who conquer or have already conquered a certain area, and try to make it into the better place for their people. Their territory can range from a city, to a particular region or country, to the entire world, but not always, for some are content to rule small to mid-sized territories and do not seek expansion on larger scales; this differs them from benefactors and harmonizers, who seek to bring peace, order, and stability to not only their own society but often the world itself (in some cases they even manage to rule the universe itself).

By their terms of the ruler, a heroic conqueror who (unlike tyrants) by all their power seeks conquests in the name of righteousness and utopia, these kinds of conquerors are the kinds of people who goes to conquer lands for the sake of the people, fight against tyrannical rulers, and set free those who are oppressed who have no courage to overcome. By the right of conquest, users can keep everything that they took, having sovereignty over the save people they bring forth a better and paradisal era in times of desperation, ending the reigns of evils in the world.

A conqueror, at the supernatural levels, has the potential to conquer so much more than lands or people but can also conquer malice, death and many supernatural forces for their own, using their powers to usher in a golden age where they rule and bring freedom, peace and justice to all. Certain monarchs can be heroic conquers, as they can increase their sovereignty even to beyond one world as they fight the eternal war against evil, adding many to their reign of peace and prosperity from the tyranny of evil they fight against.

Examples include Conan the Barbarian, Emperor of Mankind (from Warhammer 40,000), Ei Sei (from Kingdom), and Ansem the Wise.

Despite normally being stated as a “villainous” trait, some conquerors can be purely good. One example, Liu Kang gained the possession of the Hourglass and conquered the reality, turning it into the utopia where most of the villains are sympathetic or even benevolent.

Note: This category is NOT to be confused with Cosmic Entities, who are practically gods and not simple officials and Hegemonic heroes who wishes to be a Conqueror, but failed/yet to be able to fulfilled their said goal.

See also

  • Benevolent Rulers in The Heroism Wiki, for further information about Conquerors that happened to be benevolent rulers.
  • True Heroes in The Heroism Wiki, for further information about Conquerors that happened to be light lord/ladies.

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