Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Wiki
You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty.
~ Lelouch vi Britannia.
You draw the line wherever you need it, Sergeant. End of the day someone has to make the enemy scared of the dark. We get dirty, and the world stays clean. That's the mission.
~ Captain Price to Gaz

Extremists are anti-heroes who undertake extreme means - such as using weapons of mass destruction, torture, mass killings, etc. to stop a villain's scheme - in pursuit of their heroic goals. Many of them tend to straddle the line between good and evil, with some going so far as to fall to the dark side.

These heroes are the good counterparts to villainous extremists.

NOTE: Extremists believe it is acceptable to commit unpredictable and terrible acts in the name of good, even if they are primarily focused on a revolution or a social change that is noble and meant to benefit society. Heroes who become Pure Good will NEVER hold this belief. Pure Goods that commit honorable deeds of their own rights or pragmatic causes should go under the Counter-Terrorists, Misguided, Patriots, Rebellion Heroes, Vigilantes and/or Vengeful instead of this category.

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