Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Family isn't who you're born with, it's who you die for.
~ Lincoln Clay's view on family.
There's nothing stronger than family.
~ Dominic Toretto

Families that mostly have heroes (and sometimes redeemed villains) in them such as The Incredibles and The Addams Family. Because Families are a group category sometimes this overlaps with Teams and/or Partners in Training on smaller scales and Organizations and/or Heroic Species on larger scales if said group categories happen to have multiple members.

  • Add at least two people who are related either by blood, legality and/or by oath. Individual heroes do not count.

NOTE: Do not add families under Pure Good as families are groups, and as a result, do not have Moral Agency and may usually fail the admirable standards to each other, even if their members as individuals meet the criteria (e.g. the Warren Family).

This category now has its own infobox.

All items (115)
