Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
~ Indiana Jones to Short Round.
A king must be greedier than any other. He must laugh more loudly and rage for much longer and embody the very extreme of all things, good and evil! That is why his retainers envy his very existence and adore him as well and why the flames of aspiration to be just as the king is can burn within his people!
~ Iskandar.

Fortune Hunters seek some form of treasure, either indiscriminate wealth, fame and glory or on occasion, literal cashes of treasure, seeking anything from treasure chests to priceless artifacts to high-paying occupations. Whether they're solely motivated by greed, or the promise of fortunes is just enough to start them on their hero's journey, may vary depending on the character. They are the heroic equivalent of Golddiggers and Greedy villains.

Even though Fortune Hunters may rarely be qualified as Pure Good as they usually exhibit corrupting qualities of greed, there are some that can do so if they seek treasure for nothing but altruistic causes and satisfy all the criteria.

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