Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
~ Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Jedi Order.

A recurring theme in science fiction, fantasy, and superhero stories, heroes from the past are the heroic foil to evil from the past, which refers to villains who threatened the world decades or centuries ago and return in the present time to wreak havoc.

In the case of heroes from the past, these heroes are those who have carried out heroic deeds and/or saved the world in the past (decades or centuries ago), but were imprisoned, forgotten, locked away, exiled, killed, or passed away.

Later on, the hero is revived or returns to finish what they started, usually to make amends for their past wrongdoings, defeat their nemesis, restore hope, and resume their heroic ways.

However, Heroes from the past don’t necessarily have to come back to the present, as some have only lived centuries ago (e.g. Nisa, Wan, and Nyad) Since those have only lived a long time ago, they should be dead but they act like they are living, which would make them undead heroes as well.

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