Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
First of all I would like to make one thing quite clear: I never explain anything.
~ Mary Poppins.
Vanessa: I found him earlier and locked him up in Lost and Found.
Glamrock Freddy: That is great news. He can be returned to his parents.
Vanessa: He can't. Turns out, there's no record of him.
~ Vanessa and Glamrock Freddy talking about Gregory.

Mysterious Heroes (or Enigmatic Heroes) are characters surrounded in mystery. They often appear out of nowhere or have extremely vague pasts, and give little clue about their identity. Their name, their true nature, or even their motives are often ignored.

Some mysterious characters could also be villains as much as heroes.

They are also very intimidating, because they are unpredictable, hard to understand, and, most importantly, the opposition does not know how to defeat them. Even when they are shown, enigmatic heroes leave behind many unanswered questions.

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