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Heroes Wiki
There has to be a way to resolve this without anyone killing anyone!!
~ Touma Kamijou.
We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers.
~ Mace Windu
This world is full of all kinds of people, Kris. So let's try our best to get by without fighting.
~ Ralsei.

Heroes who are pacifists and peacemakers at heart, with the goals of stopping fighting and making peace in the world. A Pacifist has completely sworn off violence and will almost never resort to it. If a situation does come up where the Pacifist does actually have to resort to violence, they will likely feel as if they have broken some great personal law. Pacifists do not need to resort to violence most of the time though, helping the forces of good by doing things like healing, shielding or standing up for the innocent. Some pacifists simply strive to be role-models for others. They are the opposite of warmongers.

Pacifists, in general, come in three distinct variants:

1) the Peacekeeper (these characters are technically part of a military organization or concept, as well as certain vigilantes, while they don't shy away from violence when necessary they don't actively seek out fights and primarily fight as a means to try to police an area, stopping criminals or warmongers with force if necessary but almost always trying varied ways to stop a conflict beforehand, a Peacekeeper also will never engage in excessive violence and does all in their power to protect or minimize civilian harm, they also often try to end a conflict as soon as possible, much preferring peace to war.)

2) the Defender (these pacifists do not engage in violence unless in the defense of themselves or another, usually close-friends or family (perhaps a local community), they don't see themselves as global (or above) police the way peacekeepers do and will rarely (if ever) engage in full warfare, they also will not engage in violence unless they deem it absolutely necessary, often seeking peaceful solutions before resorting to fighting.)

3) the True Pacifist (while rare in fiction a true pacifist is, as one may have guessed, completely sworn against any violence, even in self-defense, these characters are limited to non-violent protest or finding ways to talk their enemies out of potential conflict; true pacifists can be praised for their devotion to peace but can also run into problems when dealing with unreasonable or truly evil opponents, since the true pacifist will not resort to violence under any circumstances; some true pacifists become martyrs due to this and may inspire others with their teachings.)

These heroes are rarely lethal, due to their peaceful nature (Caesar is one notable exception, as he starts out pacifistic but becomes lethal later on) — in fact the two philosophies are polar opposites, even a pacifist who may be willing to engage in self-defense (or defense of another) would never kill, to do so willingly is against the very core of pacifist teaching. Also because of their peaceful nature, a lot of Pure Goods fall under this category.

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