Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Because I'm the hero Gotham needs, not the one it deserves.
~ Batman.
Out there they’ll revile you as a monster. Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer. Why invite their calumny and consternation?!
~ Judge Claude Frollo telling Quasimodo that society would criticise his deformed looks.

Those Unwanted by society. Some are insecure and many try to change by force while others begin to hate society due to being unwanted by them. Evil tells them to forget those they save; some end up accepted in the end. Unwanted Heroes can be outcasts or misunderstood. Often these characters are cynical, but cling to codes of honor not because it will make a difference, but because they feel they have to. They often feel that society is corrupt, but believe that by clinging to a code that's shunned and hated by the ones they're protecting, they ensure goodness will never truly die.

They are the good counterparts of Outcasts.

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