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Heroes Wiki
Christine, I love you....
~ The Phantom to Christine.
I did want to take your hand... Ben's hand.
~ Rey confesses she wants to be with Ben Solo.
She's the one, the lucky girl I'm going to marry. (LeFou: But she's...) The most beautiful girl in town. (LeFou: I know, but--) That makes her the best, and don't I deserve the best?
~ Gaston, about Belle.

Heroes that have been or still are "lovers" of a villain or villainess. Whether it was true love, sexual relationship, marriage, an affair, or a one-time fling. These heroes can also have a romantic interest in a villain or villainess, which makes the hero or heroine want to switch sides, or the villain can have a one-sided love interest in the hero or heroine and tries to force them to be their lovers. Some Purely Good heroes can also be the lovers of the villain(s)/villainess(es), but only if they don't switch sides and have no negative traits/qualities.

Examples of Villain's Lover include:

  • Lucy is considered to be the love interest of Rex Dangervest as Rex is her love interest Emmet Brickowski's evil future clone.
  • Rey and Kylo Ren fall in love, with both attempting to make the other switch sides, but she eventually helps him to abandon the dark side of the Force.
  • Christine Daaé is the love interest of Erik the Phantom in the many adaptations of The Phantom of the Opera, with her helping him to redeem himself in most versions and being his lover in Love Never Dies, the sequel of the original musical.
  • Minnie Mouse is the ex-girlfriend to Mortimer Mouse, for she has to break up with him due to her strong relationship with Mickey Mouse.
  • Ramona Flowers was the seventh girlfriend of Gideon Graves. Not much was shown about their relationship, but Ramona told Scott that Gideon mainly saw it as a cruel experiment, meaning that it obviously wasn't a loving relationship, nor did he care much for her, pushing her away, until she left him. Through use of the Glow, it's shown that Ramona does still have repressed feelings (which present themselves as a sex-slave of her) for him, but she casts these feelings out when she casts him out of her head, thus breaking up with him for good.

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