Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
~ Oogway encouraging Po to live for the present
Otis, a strong man stands up for himself. A stronger man stands up for others.
~ Ben encouraging Otis to protect the farm from Dag
I'm smarter than the average bear!
~ Yogi's iconic catchphrase

Wise Heroes that are quite sagacious, sensible, have good judgement and seem to know much about what goes on around them. Many who are wise are quite strong in the mind or can easily work with different types of magic.

Wisdom often goes hand in hand with intellect, but a wise hero is not necessarily a genius and vice-versa. The key difference between a wise hero and a genius is a smart hero will have the knowledge to do amazing things, but a wise hero will be able to apply the knowledge they have with ease and is rarely wrong.

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