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I'm the last survivor that remains alive from the Great Stone Age. I have no more friends and I have no more family. I'm alone, just my stones, and me.
~ Caveman singing in "I’ve Cracked Open the World".

The Caveman is a supporting character in the surreal musical animated YouTube series Ratboy Genius, serving as the tritagonist of Little King John: THE FLOOD. He is an old caveman from the Minecraft dimension who is the last surviving person to have lived during the time period known as the Great Stone Age.

He is voiced by Ryan Dorin, the series creator, with a heavy voice filter.


Caveman is a humanoid character with stout proportions. His head is orange with red lines running vertically down it. He has silver hair with a blue tint, only present on the very top of his head, which sticks straight upwards.


Caveman starts out feeling lonely due to having no living friends and lamenting this via song. After he meets two new friends, he becomes friendly, jovial, and energetic. He does not understand proper etiquette when meeting someone, resulting in a misunderstanding where he endangered Little King John and Sneezy by repeatedly throwing stones at them, and they ran away in fear instead of catching the stones and throwing them back.

His favorite hobby is playing catch with stones, which he can create without limit from his hands. He and John play catch often as a sign of friendship.


Caveman was born in the Great Stone Age, a period in the history of the Minecraft dimension that happened long ago, meaning he is probably many years old. He was tasked, as the heir, to guard and protect the Magic Flute until a king sends his messenger to retrieve it, fulfilling the prophecy which an ancestor of his dreamed. All of Caveman's friends and family have died by the time he makes his debut.

Little King John: THE FLOOD[]

Caveman saw that John and Sneezy were playing catch, mistaking the potato knishes they were throwing for stones. Caveman first appeared throwing stones at Little King John and Sneezy. They ran away, thinking he was trying to harm them.

He sung about his circumstances, lamenting that the duo ran away instead of playing catch with him and his stones, also lamenting that he is the last of his kind and is all alone.

Little King John went through a portal he had found, which teleported him to a nearby area, where Caveman goes to visit the food court and smell the flora. Caveman realized that John and Sneezy were throwing knishes, which are much less dangerous than the large spherical stones Caveman creates. He encountered the king with a pile of knishes, and the king got the message to play catch. Caveman referred to them as "toothsome stones". Afterwards, the two sat down and introduced themselves.

Caveman was absent from the series until a crucial moment: Little King John, recruited by Ratboy Genius, had a mission to keep the portal open so the large electric current known as the Final Charge, which was in danger of destroying the galaxy in Ratboy's dimension, could be redirected through it into the ancient past, which would in turn retroactively create the dimension John and Caveman lived in. However, the giant generator powering the portal between dimensions slowly started to fail. Little King John needed Caveman's help. He directed Caveman to continuously throw stones at the generator to keep it powered on. Despite Caveman protesting that it seemed like a boring game to throw at a large unmoving target, the king convinced him by telling him it will keep the world safe.

After the big event occurred, Sneezy visited Caveman at the generator. Caveman asked Sneezy if they had "[won] the game". Sneezy took him outside to find out, and the king had just returned and assured him that yes, they won the game, and called him "a great hero." Caveman was glad to have once again been a hero after a long time, and revealed that he was the first and possibly founding member of the Galactic Superheroes team.

The Caterpillar Minister arrived, congratulated John on his great heroism, and rewarded him with a hoverpad that could travel across dimensions. Caveman rode on it alongside John and Sneezy back to the village.

Old Froggy and the Magic Flute[]

Old Froggy, directed by Little King John, went looking for a tin flute that was previously owned by Ratboy Genius and dropped by Clyde at the birth of the Minecraft dimension. After some digging, he found an underground lair where the flute was kept in good condition. Caveman was already there, and introduced himself.

Caveman told the story of one of his ancestors, who, during the Great Stone Age, found the flute deep underground then received a prophetic dream of a king sending his messenger to collect the flute. Caveman knew that the prophecy was finally being fulfilled. Upon hearing that Froggy was looking for the flute, he was sad that he would be parting with it and his lifelong task of watching over it would be over. The frog reassured him that he could visit and see the flute again. Caveman then guided Froggy to the exit.


It took me a while, but I finally found your stone. These stones are great! When you are done throwing them, you can eat them! Toothsome stones! Toothsome stones!
~ Caveman referring to the potato knishes he saw being thrown.
Caveman: You are Little King John?
Little King John: I am Little King John.
Caveman: Where is Big King John?
Little King John: Stop. Stop. Stop speaking nonsense!


External Links[]



           Ratboy Genius Heroes

Ratboy's Kingdom
Ratboy Genius | Summer Solstice Baby | Happyman | Green Monster | Bob | Mister Bigarms and Very Tall Friend | Old Froggy

Little King John's Kingdom
Little King John | Buck Dodger/Sneezy | Old Froggy | Caveman | Clyde

Galactic Superheroes
Fred | George | Sue | Caveman

Caterpillar Minister | The Professor | Young Mouthbottom | Hoo Hoos | Fisheaters
