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As a member of your school, I would only be able to imitate you. The role of a right-hand man should be to compensate for those areas which you cannot address!
~ Chōjirō Sasakibe to Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

Chōjirō Tadaoki Sasakibe is a supporting character in the anime/manga series Bleach. He is the lieutenant of the 1st Division under the command of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto and has kept this post for at least 110 years.

He is voiced by Taro Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Michael McConnohie (episode 54-55) and Dan Woren (rest of the series and Episode 1 of the Thousand Year Blood War series) in the English version.


He has slightly tanned skin, white eyes without pupils, short silver-gray hair, and a small black mustache. He wears the standard black Shinigami shihakushō with white shoulder guards. Under his uniform he wears a white turtleneck and has a lieutenant's armband on his left arm.


Chōjirō Sasakibe has great, unwavering loyalty and admiration for his captain, Yamamoto, always wishing to be his apprentice. During one of his missions in the World of the Living, he found a source of inspiration in the form of English culture, which he later transferred to Soul Society, starting to brew his own black tea, which usually did not end very well. His fascination with English culture reached such an extent that he began to prefer only Western cuisine and not Japanese, which is where he differs from Yamamoto.


  • At Sasakibe's funeral, Byakuya revealed that Sasakibe's full name was Chōjirō Tadaoki Sasakibe. Sasakibe is usually known by the name "Chōjirō", which means, "chief second son" or "second son of the main line". His first name, Tadaoki, means "Loyal breath" or "loyal son."
  • In the original anime, Chōjirō's eyes have pupils, while in the manga they do not have any, which is also how he's depicted in the anime adaptation for the Thousand Year Blood-War arc.
  • Chōjirō's Zanpakutō, Gonryōmaru, was depicted as a lightning-type Zanpakutō in the anime-only Zanpakutō Rebellion arc long before it was revealed in the manga, during Chapter 504.

World of the Living
Karakura Town
Ichigo KurosakiOrihime InoueUryū IshidaYasutora SadoKonIsshin KurosakiMasaki Kurosaki† • Yuzu KurosakiKarin KurosakiKazui KurosakiRyūken IshidaKanae Katagiri† • Tatsuki ArisawaKisuke UraharaYoruichi ShihōinTessai TsukabishiJinta HanakariUruru Tsumugiya

Shinji Hirako‡ • Hiyori SarugakiKensei Muguruma‡ • Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi‡ • Mashiro Kuna‡ • Lisa Yadōmaru‡ • Love AikawaHachigen Ushōda

Naruki City
Yukio Hans VorarlbernaRiruka DokugamineJackie TristanMoe Shishigawara

Soul Society
Royal Palace
Soul King
Zero Division
Ichibē HyōsubeŌetsu NimaiyaSenjumaru ShutaraTenjirō KirinjiKirio Hikifune

Gotei 13
1st Division
Shunsui KyōrakuNanao IseGenshirō OkikibaGenryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto† • Chōjirō Sasakibe† •
2nd Division
Suì-FēngMarechiyo ŌmaedaYoruichi Shihōin
3rd Division
Gin IchimaruRōjūrō ŌtoribashiIzuru Kira
4th Division
Isane KotetsuHanatarō YamadaKiyone KotetsuRetsu Unohana† •
5th Division
Shinji HirakoMomo Hinamori
6th Division
Byakuya KuchikiRenji Abarai
7th Division
Tetsuzaemon IbaAtau RindōSajin Komamura‡ • Love Aikawa
8th Division
Lisa YadōmaruYuyu YayaharaTatsufusa Enjōji
9th Division
Kensei MugurumaShūhei HisagiMashiro Kuna
10th Division
Tōshirō HitsugayaRangiku MatsumotoIsshin Shiba
11th Division
Kenpachi ZarakiIkkaku MadarameYumichika AyasegawaIchika AbaraiYachiru Kusajishi‡ • Kenpachi Kuruyashiki
12th Division
Mayuri KurotsuchiAkonHachigō NemuriNemu Kurotsuchi† • Kisuke Urahara‡ • Hiyori Sarugaki‡ • Kirio Hikifune
13th Division
Rukia KuchikiSentarō KotsubakiJūshirō Ukitake† • Kaien Shiba

Hueco Mundo
Tia HarribelNelliel Tu OdelschwanckGrimmjow JaegerjaquezEmilou ApacciFranceska Mila RoseCyan Sung-SunLoly AivirrnePesche GuaticheDondochakka BirstanneBawabawaAyon

Zanpakutō Spirits
Ashisogi JizōGegetsuburiGonryōmaruHainekoHisagomaruHōzukimaruHyōrinmaruKaten KyōkotsuKazeshiniMinazuki† • NozarashiRuri'iro "Fuji" KujakuRyūjin Jakka† • SenbonzakuraSode no ShirayukiSōgyo no Kotowari† • SuzumebachiTenkenTobiumeWabisukeZabimaruZangetsu (Old Man Zangetsu)

Kūgo GinjōShūkurō TsukishimaGiriko KutsuzawaKūkaku Shiba
