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Sir Chamberlain (Chamberlain for short) is one of the supporting characters in The Swan Princess series. He is Queen Uberta's comical first footman. He was voiced by James Arrington in the first, second and fourth films.


As first footman of Queen Uberta’s kingdom, Sir Chamberlain is loyal and is always willing to do so many things to impress Uberta. However, Chamberlain is also the one who gets into some trouble, such as when he accidentally blows a red bird’s nest on the top of Uberta’s head. He is also Bridget's love interest.


           The Swan Princess Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Princess Odette | Prince Derek | Alise | Jean-Bob | Speed | Puffin | Lucas

Supporting Characters
Lord Rogers | Queen Uberta | Bromley | Bridget | Chamberlain | Ru | Prince Li | Mei Li

Minor Characters
King William | Whizzer | Scully | Cutter | Jojo
