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Hero Overview

Pretty good plan. You could say it was the greatest-
~ Charles's Last Words

Charles Calvin is the deuteragonist of the Henry Stickmin series.

He is a helicopter pilot who works for The Government and helps Henry Stickmin during his missions. Depending on the ending, he can either be one of Henry's best friends, or one of his enemies.

In-Game Events[]

At some point in his life, Charles joined the Air Force and became a helicopter pilot, going on many special ops missions for the government, becoming one of the most experienced pilots in the process.

Infiltrating the Airship[]

Charles is the military helicopter and leads Henry throughout his mission.

In Government Supported Private Investigator route, he gives Henry an earpiece and serves as his handler. After Henry breaks into the airship, Charles helps him cross a large gap by using a mechanical robot. The next room contains Wilhelm Krieghaus, a Toppat, who is having trouble using his key card in the door. Charles assists Henry by using one of his gadgets to remotely melt Wilhelm's bones. After Henry gathers the evidence he needs, Charles reveals the next room has too many armed guards, and suggests Henry to use the ventilation duct. There is a lot of electricity blocking the path, but Henry orders Charles to reroute the power to a random room (that ends up being a darkroom, ruining the photos of the Toppat Clan Member working inside) Henry can now safely reach the cargo bay, where two more men are blocking his path. Charles thus tells Henry to click a button on his earpiece, which turns it into a force gun. Henry takes out the two men and Charles brings the chopper near the bay doors. The Right Hand Man comes into the cargo bay and attempts to stop Henry, but Henry is able to use the force gun to blast himself to the chopper. He turns the evidence over to Charles, and the airship division of the Toppat Clan is arrested.

In Pure Blooded Thief route, when Henry is spotted after stealing the Romanian Ruby, Charles sees that alarm is activated and Henry has been found out. Captain Galeforce moves to plan B and Charles calls reinforcements. Military soldiers then fire on the airship and cause it to crash in the desert, where the fight continues on the ground. When the Center for Chaos Containment launches a prototype army to solve the chaos, Henry steals their armour and escapes with the ruby. Charles intercepts him, but the Captain tells him to let him go over Charles's protests.

In Relentless Bounty Hunter route, Charles isn't seen until the end. After turning over the Toppat Leader to the General, Charles hands Henry a document pardoning him of his crimes. He and the General take Reginald Copperbottom, the Toppat Leader, and leave.

Fleeing the Complex[]

Charles reappears during the International Rescue Operative route.

After Henry escapes his cell, he has the option to contact Charles. Charles remarks that he is on another mission, but has heard of The Wall and can swing by to get Henry out. He then instructs Henry to head outside and find a place for him to land. A guard blocks Henry's way, but Charles clears the path by controlling a miniature helicopter to latch a grappling hook to the guard, pulling him off the ledge. When Henry continues to the helipad, the two guards up there spot his helicopter and prepare to shoot him down. Henry tackles the one with a rocket launcher to save Charles. When the other guard notices Henry, he is crushed by Charles' helicopter. The two of them then fly off, leading to the "IRO" ending.

Completing the Mission[]

Charles' standing with Henry will depend on whether Henry has helped the Government to take down the Toppats or joined them. In "Government Supported Private Investigator" or "Relentless Bounty Hunter" endings from Infiltrating the Airship and/or "International Rescue Operative" from Fleeing the Complex, he will be working with Henry as an ally. In "Pure Blooded Thief" ending, he will be neutral but can be allied with but in "Rapidly Promoted Executive, he's an enemy.

In "Government Supported Private Investigator" and "Presumed Dead" route, Charles sacrifices himself to let Henry escape from the Toppat's space ship in one of the escape pods, in which he is blown up with the ship, mentioning that you can say it was the greatest plan a moment before he dies, leaving Henry shouting at this sight. This leads to the ending, "Valiant Hero", where the final picture shows a grave of Charles Calvin, with Henry looking down at it.

With the "Government Supported Private Investigator" and "International Rescue Operative" endings, he and Henry team up once again using the earpiece, both helping each other. Once Henry succeeds, the General officially enlists Henry and promotes them both to Special Covert Ops Agents, leading to the ending "Special BROvert Ops".

With the "Government Supported Private Investigator" and "Convict Allies" endings, he picks up Henry and Ellie Rose, mentioning that in order for the rescue to be sanctioned, Charles had to agree to prevent the Toppat Clan from firing their rocket. Henry and Ellie agree and the three of them attack the base, infiltrating the rocket and sabotaging the launch. This leads to the "Triple Threat" ending.

With the "Pure Blooded Thief" and "Convict Allies" endings, Charles is seen in the climax as Henry and Ellie are stuck between the Toppat Clan and the Wall's staff, offering them a way out. If Henry chooses to side with Charles, he and Ellie will jump into his chopper, and then follow his instructions to shoot miniguns at the rocket's support struts, causing it to fall and destroy the base. Charles then brings Henry and Ellie to see General Galeforce, who offers them both a pardon, leading to the "Pardoned Pals" ending. However, if they side with the Toppat's, the Right Hand Man will shoot at Charles's chopper, causing damage and forcing him to land it. This leads to the "Toppat Recruits" ending.

With the "Rapidly Promoted Executive" and "Presumed Dead" endings, Charles can be seen when the scrambled rocket and the launched G.A.B.E.G.G by the Center for Chaos Containment are battling. He's on the ground, but does not appear to be injured, as General Galeforce is calling off the attack on the Toppat base. This leads to the "Toppat 4 Life" ending.


Charles has always appeared as a stickman who wears light red shoes and light red headphones, in the Valiant Hero ending, these headphones are heavily damaged.


Charles isn't the brightest and a bit clumsy, in the three games he appears in, he claims to have the “greatest plan” to deal with enemies, but this plan is always just to ram into them with his helicopter. Most of these fail, excluding the Valiant Hero ending. He really likes using a gatling-gun, but ends up accidentally killing Henry with it. He does pull off a masterful shot in Fleeing the Complex with a sniper rifle, but he accidentally aimed at Henry instead of the guard.


Infiltrating the Airship[]

  • "Hey, uh, how do you want me to bring you in?"

Government Supported Private Investigator[]

  • "Check check, this is Charles."
  • "Just thought I'd give you a heads up."
  • "Uh, there's a guy down there. A bad guy. So, uh, yeah."
  • "Good luck."
  • "Hey good job there!"
  • "Oh, oh, so you should probably look for something incriminating."
  • "Something that we can use to prove that they're criminals, you know?"
  • "I mean, that's the whole point of this operation."
  • "Oh hey! Uh, you see that records sign?"
  • "Where it says 'Records'?"
  • "That'd probably be a good place to look, right?"
  • "Let me just, uh, help you get across that gap."
  • "Ok, uh, let me just teleport this thing in here for ya."
  • "Alright, here I come~"
  • "Da-dadara-dadara-dadadadaaa!"
  • "Hey, I have this thing here that can manipulate gravity."
  • "Should be able to get you float across."
  • "Lemme just... Wait."
  • "Up."
  • "Down."
  • "Hm."
  • "Did it work?"
  • "Alright, here it comes."
  • "I don't think that guy knows how to open the door."
  • "Yeah, why don't you let me take care of this?"
  • "Wow, this guy really is a moron."
  • "Can't believe he doesn't know how to open a door."
  • "Woops."
  • "Alright, uh, I've hacked into their security system. Should be able to open the door from here."
  • "Alright! Get to bring out the big guns!"
  • "You should be good to go now."
  • "Oh man! That duck just flew right into the propeller!"
  • "Oh, what a mess!"
  • "Alright you got some evidence! Whoa wait, wait."
  • "There's no way you're getting through there."
  • "Lots of guys and there's lots of guns, that's all I'm gonna say."
  • "It looks like you could get around if you go through that air duct."
  • "Alright I've hacked into their power grid. What do you want me to do?"
  • "Okay..."
  • "I-I don't understand what that means."
  • "M-kay! Shutting down the power now."
  • "I'm sorry, I just thought you needed some help is all."
  • "Ok I'll reroute the power to a random room. That's fine."
  • "Alright Henry, you're almost there."
  • "I'm right outside so just open the bay doors and I'll, uh, get you on the chopper."
  • "Fire in the hole!"
  • "Pst, hey! There's a button on your earpiece. You should press it."

Rapidly Promoted Executive[]

  • "You think they're alright? Pretty big fall."

Pure Blooded Thief[]

  • "It looks like he set off some sort of alarm in the vault?"
  • "Orders captain?"
  • "What?!"

Fleeing the Complex (International Rescue Operative)[]

  • "Yeah? Oh, Henry!"
  • "How's it goin'?"
  • "Uh huh."
  • "Yeah."
  • "Oh..."
  • "Uh huh."
  • "Oh, I see."
  • "Huh..."
  • "Yeah, I'm-uh... I'm flying right now, actually."
  • "Where-uh... Where are you?"
  • "Hmm, The Wall..."
  • "Yeah, I... think I've heard of that place."
  • "Yeah, I'm-uh-I'm on a mission, but-uh-I should have some time to swing by."
  • "Hey! So-uh, I'm getting pretty close..."
  • "Yeah, just-uh-try to get outside and I'll-I'll-uh... y'know."
  • "Hey, so-uh-I see The Wall."
  • "Oh, you're outside? Nice!"
  • "Oh, I think I see you."
  • "Yeah... There's a guard in the way..."
  • "I got this."
  • "Yeah! It'll be like the old times."
  • "Got em!"
  • "Wait..."
  • "Ooo..."
  • "I got the perfect plan..."
  • "This is the greatest plaaaaaaaaaaan!"
  • "And there ya go."
  • "I seein a helipad up here."
  • "Could be a pretty good place."
  • "To get picked up."
  • "Uh-once I get close, though, they'll-uh-they'll probably raise the alarm."
  • "Oh yeah, they see me."
  • "Alright, I'm comin' in. Get ready."
  • "Did you just jump off the edge?!"
  • "Wait, was that the plan?"
  • "Man, we really should have coordinated that better."
  • "I mean, I was not prepared at a-"
  • "Hey!"

Completing the Mission[]

Special BRO-vert Ops[]

  • "Hey, General!"
  • "What do you say, Henry?"
  • "You can count on us, General."
  • "Hey I know-uh we just started and all, but-uh I think I'm getting targeted by SAM Turret?"
  • "Yeah, oh? Yeah..."
  • "If you just go ahead and-uh..."
  • "Deal with that?"
  • "So... It kinda looks like the SAM turret's shooting all of its missiles?"
  • "But that can't be right. I just wanted to make sur-"
  • "I don't really know what you did, but-uh it seemed to have done the trick! Nice!"
  • "Oh, we really gotta getchu in there."
  • "I should be able to get you in there with this:"
  • "Okeydokey, sendin' down that jet-pod."
  • "Alrighty, I've-uh teleported that platform in there for ya."
  • "Yeah, go ahead and just-uh make your way across, then."
  • "Alright, Henry-uh, go ahead and grab on to the... the thing..."
  • "And then I'll... helicopter you across."
  • "Oh man... Looks like every member of the Toppat Clan is on here!"
  • "Umm, if you get to the engine room, you can shut down the engine..."
  • "And them uh... the rocket won't be able to take off..."
  • "And them... they'll all be stuck in here."
  • "So I'll cause a distraction while you make a run for it to the engine room, got it?"
  • "Alright, I'm-uh about to fire a subsonic wave?"
  • "Should stun everyone who hears it, so you might wanna cover your ears."
  • "Alright I know they have one of this aboard, I think I can remote hack into it."
  • "Yeah just-uh keep heading up those stairs and you'll hit that engine room in no time."
  • "I guess this rocket has an internal engine room?"
  • "It probably like manages the... electronics? or something?"
  • "I dunno. I'm hot a rocket doctor."
  • "Anyways. Do your thing, buddy!"
  • "This doesn't seem... right."
  • "Nice. Disabling that engine is definitely gonna buy you some extra time."
  • "Now, here's what I'm thinking: If you can get up to the cockpit..."
  • "You can gain control of the rocket, disable it, and lock everyone inside."
  • "Then I'll call in the reinforcements and w-hen... we'll make these arrests easily."
  • "Pretty good plan, right?"
  • "Cockpit is comin' up. You should be able to gain complete control of the rocket from there."
  • "Henry? Are you in trouble?"
  • "If you're in trouble, say flank steak."
  • "No wait, if you're in trouble say nothing."
  • "Agh, I can't tell."
  • "Oh, actually I can see you from here..."
  • "Yeah, it looks pretty bad."
  • "I gotcha back, buddy!"
  • "One sleepy-boy, coming right up."
  • "I got this sniper that spots out bad guys."
  • "So I'll just take him here from here. Don't worry. There's-"
  • "There's zero chance that I'll hit you with this."
  • "Uh oh, I'm losing control..."
  • "Ohhh boy, this is bad. This is really..."
  • "Oh...oh boy..."
  • "Ohhh man... And I dropped my sniper rifle..."
  • "Come on!"
  • "Alright, I almost got control! Almost got it!"
  • "Ohhh, there we go."
  • "No, nope, I'm-"
  • "You did it! Now you just gotta lock it up!"
  • "Alright, time to call in the reinforcements!"
  • "Henry!"
  • "Nice work, man!"
  • "Yeah, this is-uh this is every last remaining member getting hauled off."
  • "What? Henry's not even enlisted."

Triple Threat[]

  • "Hey Henry! Nice to see you again. Who's your friend?"
  • "Well nice to meet you!"
  • "Any friend of Henry's is a friend of mine!"
  • "So, uhh..."
  • "I was able to swing by and pick you guys up... but..."
  • "Well you remember the captain..."
  • "Yeah he... had to sanction this pickup."
  • "In return, we're gonna need your assistance again."
  • "With the Toppats..."
  • "Again."
  • "I hope that's alright."
  • "Good."
  • "Let me fill you in on the details when we get into the air."
  • "Alright, so what's left of the Toppat Clan has setup-uhh some sort of secret base in the jungle."
  • "Seems like they're planning on launching-uhh some kind of space station into orbit."
  • "They'll be sitting pretty if they pull this off, so we gotta uh make sure they don't do that."
  • "I talked to the general and he said he's pulling out all our main forces."
  • "He said that Henry and I made a good team last time, so he trusts that we can pull it off."
  • "Then we're gonna make a great squad!"
  • "With the three of us, we'll have no problems..."
  • "Completing the Mission."
  • "Alright, we're there."
  • "I don't think I can get any closer without... getting shot down."
  • "Where we dropping, boys?"
  • "Uh oh. Sounds like they're about to take off."
  • "You guys should get over there right away."
  • "I'll be down to help as soon as I can."
  • "Hey, that looks like fun but umm..."
  • "Kind of... on the clock here..."
  • "You guys are still running? You know I could pick you up."
  • "Oh, you're staying committed to you choice. I can respect that."
  • "Alright, I'm here. Combo time!"
  • "I gotcha!"
  • "Funny story. heh. This cannon was actually built to fire humans. It's kind of weird."
  • "Hold on to your butts!"
  • "Direct hit! Now quick, guys. You gotta stop that rocket from taking off."
  • "Uh guys? The rockets launch-"
  • "We gotta do something before they get into orbit!"
  • "Okay guys, I've got the most awesome plan."
  • "I'll crash head-first into the cafeteria window."
  • "No, no. With my helicopter. Whatya guys think? I'm ready t-"
  • "What's not to understand? It's simple. I fly the helicopter into the window."
  • "I don't really think you get it... Henry, you get it, right?"
  • "Umm, I think it's a little bit... outta of range now..."
  • "Alright, I'll be ready. Now hurry!"
  • "Alright, I'm in position."
  • "Don't see you guys, though..."
  • "Uh huh?"
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Yeah."
  • "Oh yeah."
  • "Ah! Yeah!"
  • "That's a great idea!"
  • "Alright, you guys do your thing. I'll be ready."
  • "Ahhh! Whatta move! Can't believe we did it!"
  • "Where'd you end up sending the rocket anyway?"

Pardoned Pals/Toppat Recruits[]

  • "Yeah this is Charles. Following up on that disturbance we saw at the bridge..."
  • "Yeah, turns out the Toppat leaders are here!"
  • "Wait, is that Henry?!"
  • "Henry? C'mon help me take down the Toppats!"
  • "Alright I'm coming, get in!"
  • "Okay, I got a plan. We gotta shoot out these support beams."
  • "All units fall back. We're going in for the big play."
  • "Yeah! Nice work, both of you!"
  • "This is Charles, reporting to base."
  • "I gotta couple of friends here with me. You're never gonna guess who they are."
  • "Uh oh! I gotta fall back."

Master Bounty Hunter[]

  • "We're entering Toppat airspace now."
  • "Altitude 20,000 feet. Windspeed: Nominal."
  • "Visibility clear. Stand by for drop."
  • "I hope you don't mind helping us out again."
  • "I called ahead and got the all clear from the General."
  • "I'm sure you've got a lotta questions."
  • "Don't worry. He'll fill you in when you arrive."
  • "You'll be dropped in on the outskirts of the Toppat launchsite."
  • "We've also got a squad waiting for you when you arrive."
  • "Alright! Time to drop."
  • "We got him! Put out the signal!"
  • "You know... Bounty hunting really suits you."
  • "You ever think about going pro?"

Toppat 4 Life[]

  • "General, what's going on?!"

Valiant Hero[]

  • "*sigh*"
  • "Henry?"
  • "Henry!"
  • "I heard you died!"
  • "Ah, man..."
  • "The Toppat Clan has been causing a bunch of problems for me lately."
  • "Yeah... Ever since they got that orbital station set up, they been suuuper strong."
  • "Now that I think about it. You and I made a pretty good team in the past!"
  • "I bet we could take 'em out."
  • "It's starting to-"
  • "Well? Whaddaya say?"
  • "You wanna to help me take 'em out for good?"
  • "Awesome!"
  • "Alright follow me. I have a way we can get into space."
  • "Secret government prototype. Whaddaya think?"
  • "There it is..."
  • "Alright, how do you want me to bring you in?"
  • "Ahhww. This is so exciting! It's just like last time!"
  • "Alright I just swing by I guess and... drop you off?"
  • "Aight, it sounds weird, but this air bubble's gonna keep you breathing until you get to the side wings. Alright?"
  • "It's also really sturdy so you don't have to worry about it popping on you."
  • "Unfortunately, it doesn't move very fast..."
  • "Still working that one out."
  • "Don't worry. I'll keep you company 'til you get there. Shouldn't be a problem."
  • "What kinda movies ya like?"
  • "Yeah, I'll just... beam you right aboard. Should be a piece of cake."
  • "Put on this space suit and hide in this ball of trash."
  • "What?! It's a good idea. Trust me!"
  • "See?! I told you it was a good idea."
  • "The Toppats have no clue you're there now."
  • "I'm gonna stick here though so they don't detect me."
  • "Should be able to help you get inside from here though."
  • "This might make you a little nervous. But I'm gonna fire a super accurate laser shot right next to you."
  • "It'll make a hole you can climb through and get inside, y'know?"
  • "Hey, you feel that button there on your helmet? Go ahead and press that."
  • "It's a knife that's so hot it can cut through any material."
  • "You dropped it, didn't you?"
  • "You know what? Naw."
  • "This calls for some bold action."
  • "♪I'm the bold action MANNN!♪"
  • "*coughs*"
  • "I've always wanted to do that."
  • "Anyway, should probably find a way off this station before it explodes."
  • "Looks like the door's jammed. This is the only way through."
  • "I think I can hack this panel to get this door to open."
  • "Yeah... I have no idea what I'm doing."
  • "One. Two. ThreeEE-Gahhh!"
  • "I bet this vent leads somewhere... on the other side."
  • " ♪ Crawling through the vents... ♪ "
  • "Oh boy, we're running out of time."
  • "Got room for two more?"
  • "Ahh, well that was intense."
  • "Can't wait to go ho-"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Don't worry about me-ow-I'll find another way."
  • "Henry? You there?"
  • "Man... that roughed me up."
  • "Got him though."
  • "Gotta be another escape pod around here somewhere."
  • "We did it though. We got em."
  • "Pretty good plan."
  • "You could say it was the greatest-"

External Links[]



Triple Threat
Henry Stickmin | Ellie Rose | Charles Calvin

Hubert Galeforce | Rupert Price | John Pilksin | Amelia Esteban | Gordon Banks

Henry's Squad
Dave Panpa | Thomas Chestershire | Geoffrey Plumb

Felix White | Ted McAdams | Dr. Vinschpinsilstien | Crewmates
