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Charles Ingalls was a protagonist of the Little House series of books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and the TV series based on the books.

In the television series he was portrayed by the late Michael Landon, who also portrayed Jonathan Smith in Highway to Heaven.


Born in New York, Ingalls grew up in Wisconsin, living in a large forest in Wisconsin before moving to a farmstead near Walnut Grove, Minnesota where he and his wife Caroline raised their family.

Ingalls liked to do woodworking as a hobby, and even thought of selling his designs for a table before it was copied by an unscrupulous manufacture and mass produced. He decided not to fight and instead regarded his children as his legacy. One hundred years later one of the tables he made, with the initials C.I. carved in to it was a prized antique. By then the fact that Ingalls had made the table had been lost to history.

Following his time in Minnesota he and his family moved a few more times before settling in Burr Oak, Iowa.
