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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Wiki
NOTE: This article is about Charlotte Emily from the Novel Trilogy. If you want to see her video game counterpart, please visit this page.
Heroine Overview

Tell me why you took him! Why did you choose him? Why did you take Sammy?
~ Charlie demanding to know why Afton "took" her twin brother Sammy.
If you want to be one of them, then be one of them!
~ Charlie condeming Afton before triggering the springlocks and killing him.
You’re right, Elizabeth. I was never supposed to be here. Neither of us were.
~ Charlie before sacrificing herself to kill Circus Baby and accepting her origins.

Charlotte “Charlie” Emily, is the main protagonist of the Five Nights At Freddy's Novel Trilogy.

She is a robotic duplicate of Henry Emily's daughter of the same name, who was kidnapped and murdered by his colleague William Afton in 1983. Two years later she is forced to leave town after William murders five children at Freddy’s and her father commits suicide. Ten years later she returns to her hometown of Hurricane to attend her old friend Michael’s memorial only to come into conflict with Afton and his machinations. She later become hellbent on uncovering the secrets her father left behind which leads her to realizing the dark truth about her origins.


Charlie is a young woman between the ages of 17-18 standing at about 5 ft 4. She had long flowing dark brown hair, a round face with pale skin and rosy cheeks, a thin mouth that always appeared as if she was going to smile and sparkling wide brown eyes. For her attire she mainly wore a purple shirt with a green jacket, as well as black pants with matching black combat boots.


She's a bit odd, but she's a good kid.
~ Clay Burke describing Charlie's personality.

Charlie is shown as a very strong, determined and self sufficient person having been raised to have these values by her Aunt Jen. This is shown by her bravery, confidence and willingness to head straight into danger. Examples include her fighting off Chica by electrocuting her with a live wire despite the danger, knocking out William with a metal pipe, freeing herself from the clutches of the Twisted animatronics, and even fighting Afton as Springtrap and Circus Baby head on.

She is also very nostalgic and in touch with her past as the first thing she did when she returned to Hurricane was visit her childhood home and go to the abandoned Freddy's with her friends to relive the happiness of her childhood. She also never forgot about her childhood friends even though they had been apart for ten years, having jumped at the chance to reunite with them and attend Michael's memorial. She cares deeply for her friends and family and went above and beyond to protect them from harm, like when she saved Carlton from a springlock failure and sacrificed herself to defeat Baby. She could be socially awkward at sometimes, as shown by her interactions with other people. She often stumbles in her words and can be caught in her own little world like when she had trouble ordering breakfast at a diner, rushing past a family of four without saying an "excuse me".

Charlie was also highly intelligent perhaps nearing genius levels something she inherited from her father. She built two robotic heads that were programmed to interact with and mimic each other and she majored in robotics when she went to college in ST. George. She was also the one to figure out the in's and out's of illusion discs and managed to make a counter to them. She also dug too deeply into a zombie movie pointing out all its scientific impossibilities'.

However, Charlie isn't without her flaws, she is prone to recklessness and irrational behavior. When she had dreams about Sammy begging for help, she started to believe there was meaning to them and a chance he was alive somewhere. Charlie became hellbent on finding him, even though this quest put herself and others in grave danger. She could also be wrathful and vengeful having tripped the springlocks in Afton's suit for his actions which led to his brutal death and even beat him to a pulp when he became Springtrap, demanding to know why he killed Sammy. She even lashed out at her Aunt Jen when she rightly told her not to return to Hurricane considering all the horrible things that happened there.

Even though all of her friends where able to move on from what happened at Freddy's all those years ago, Charlie refused to let go and her obsession with the past costed her the future in many ways. This mindset very nearly cost her life as she was so desperate to find Sammy in her delusions she was attacked by Twisted Freddy and seemingly died in a springlock failure. Later on when Charlie learns about her true origins of merely being a replica of the real Charlie and essentially the ghost of Henry's grief she becomes disillusioned with herself. She ultimately understands that she was never meant to exist in the first place and willing throws her life away to stop Circus Baby.


  • In the Fourth Closet there is a discrepancy with Charlie's age. She is stated to have been born in 1980, but she was stated to be seventeen during the events of the Silver Eyes in 1995 thus she should have been fifteen. It's likely this is an oversight or Henry made the robotic recreation of Charlie to be slightly older than the original.
  • The plot twist of Charlie being a mechanical recreation of the real one leaves many questions as to how she was able to function and live a normal life as a human without anyone let alone herself noticing that she was different.
  • Charlie’s birthday May 13, may actually be a reference to the date when the second update for FNAF World came out.
  • Charlie’s hometown of Hurricane is actually a real town in Washington County, Utah with a current population of 20,036.
  • Throughout the entire franchise the Novel versions of Charlie and Circus Baby are the only characters to be androids rather than animatronics.
  • Charlie is quite similar to Michael Afton, the main protagonist of the games in many ways.
    • Both are the children of parents with dark secrets that they must uncover. William Afton and his murders for Michael and Henry Emily and the depth of his grief for Charlie.
    • Both suffer from tragic pasts involving their siblings deaths. With Charlie believing she lost her twin brother Sammy at the hands of William and Michael accidentally killing his little brother.
    • Both have brown hair and wear purple shirts.
    • Both are quite nervous, insecure, and impulsive but strong-hearted and brave.
    • Both have nicknames short for their real names, Charlie and Mike.
    • Both are ultimately no longer humans, with Charlie being an android replica of her original self and Michael being a reanimated hollow corpse.
    • Both sacrifice themselves to stop their arch-enemies, with Michael allowing himself to be burned to death to end his father's reign of terror and Charlie sacrificing her life by getting stabbed to kill Circus Baby.
  • At the end of the Fourth Closet it is theorized that the woman John see's at the cemetery is actually Charlie who managed to take over her final body from Circus Baby and survive.
  • Charlie is the first character in the series to have been possessed by Agony rather than a spirit. The concept of Agony would then be further explored in the spinoff Fazbear Frights books and the games as well through the character of The Mimic.

External Links[]


           FNAF Logo Heroes

Fazbear Entertainment
Michael Afton | Ralph | Henry Emily | Vanessa | Fazbear Technician | Edwin Murray
Charlotte Emily | Tape Girl | Coffee | Gregory | Oswald | Sarah | Cassie | Lucia | Cade | Luca | Caden Wykowski | Jason Butterfield | Robbie Wilson | Abe Thayer | Tony Becker | Devon | Bronwen Light
The Puppet | Glamrock Freddy | Daycare Attendant | Roxanne Wolf | Jessica | Bobbiedots | M.X.E.S. | Mystic Hippo
RWQFSFASXC | Old Man Consequences | The Bear | The Princess

FNAF World
Adventure Animatronics
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Foxy the Pirate | Golden Freddy | Toy Freddy | Toy Bonnie | Toy Chica | Mangle | Balloon Boy | JJ | The Puppet | Paperpals | Endo-01 | Endo-02 | Endoplush | Withered Freddy | Withered Bonnie | Withered Chica | Withered Foxy | Fredbear | Spring Bonnie | Springtrap | Phantom Freddy | Phantom Chica | Phantom Foxy | Phantom Mangle | Phantom Puppet | Shadow Freddy | RWQFSFASXC | Crying Child | Funtime Foxy | Nightmare Freddy | Nightmare Bonnie | Nightmare Chica | Nightmare Foxy| Nightmare Fredbear | Nightmare | Plushtrap | Jack-o-Bonnie | Jack-o-Chica | Nightmare Balloon Boy | Nightmarionne | Coffee | Mr. Chipper | Animdude | Purpleguy
Old Man Consequences | 8-bit Fredbear | Mendo | Lolbit]
Freddy in Space 2
Playable Characters
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie the Bunny | Chica the Chicken | Foxy the Pirate | Golden Freddy | The Puppet

The Novel Trilogy
Henry Emily | Aunt Jen | John | Jessica | The Missing Children (Michael Brooks) | Carlton Burke | Clay Burke | Officer Dunn | Lamar | Marla | Jason
Charlotte Emily | Golden Freddy | The Amalgamation

Fazbear Frights
Jake | Everette Larson | Margie | Grim | Dr. Talbert | Pete Dinglewood | Toby Billings
Oswald | Sarah | Abby | Greg | Hadi | Cyril | Oscar Avila | Raj | Isaac | Devon Marks | Mick Callahan | Chuck Dinglewood | Kasey | Susie | Samantha | Bob Mackenzie | Arthur Blythe | Mia Fremont | Nole Markham | Tabitha Bing | Robert Stanton | Reed | Chris Watson | Aiden | Edward Colter | Mott | Mandy Mason | Sylvia Collins | Mike
The Stitchwraith | Ballora | Tag-Along Freddy | The Puppet | Coils the Birthday Clown

Mike Schmidt | Abby Schmidt | Vanessa Shelly

Fazbear Fanverse

Five Nights at Candy's
Mary Schmidt | Marylin Schmidt | Origami Cat | Phone Guy | Mary Schmidt's Toys
Popgoes the Weasel | Manora the Mouse | Blake the Badger | Stone the Crow | Squirrel Sisters | Blackrabbit | Holly the Robin

Disambiguation pages
Henry Emily | Freddy Fazbear | William Afton | The Puppet | Golden Freddy | Bonnie the Bunny
