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Heroes Wiki

Charlotte Mearing is a supporting protagonist in the Transformers film series. She was seen serving as the Director of National Intelligence of the United States.

She was portrayed by Frances McDormand.


Mearing makes many rash decisions but provides good ethical reasons for doing so.

She questions Sam Witwicky's alignment for many times, stating him just to be a kid incapable of supporting the battle against the Decepticons but changes her mind when he figures out the Decepticons' plot.

She believes solemnly in the NEST soldiers to finish the fight but, like the previous liasion for the Autobots to the President is proven almost instaneously wrong.

She is revealed as prudent and to have had sexual intercourse with Agent Simmons in the past.

Mearing shares a passionate kiss with him after the Autobots and the NEST won the battle in Chicago. She laughs following it, but then immediately returns back to her sensible self and has Agent Simmons arrested for misconduct with his stating "I won't care".





  • Since she doesn’t appear in subsequent films, it’s likely she may have decided to retire and not join any anti Cybertronian organizations like Cemetery Wind or TRF. This was possibly due to the actions of Sentinel Prime and Dylan Gould.


           TransformersTitle Original Films Heroes

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Jazz | Ironhide | Ratchet | Sideswipe | Jetfire | Jolt | Skids & Mudflap | Arcee | Chromia | Elita-One | Wheelie | Brains | Mirage | Wheeljack | Crosshairs | Drift | Hound | Cogman | Hot Rod | Canopy | Daytrader | Sqweeks | Breakaway | Cliffjumper | Dynasty of Primes

Leadfoot | Roadbuster | Topspin

Sector Seven
Tom Banachek | Seymour Simmons

General Morshower | William Lennox | Robert Epps | Charlotte Mearing | Hardcore Eddie

Grimlock | Scorn | Slug | Strafe | Slash | Slog | Snarl

Kinetic Solutions Incorporated
Joshua Joyce | Gill Wembley | Su Yueming | Darcy Tirrel

Knights of Iacon
Stormreign | Dragonicus | Steelbane | Skullitron | Dragonstorm

Transformers Reaction Force
Commander Santos | William Lennox | General Morshower

Video Games
Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Sam Witwicky | Mikaela Banes | Maggie Madsen | John Keller | Glen Whitmann | Leo Spitz | Dutch | Carly Spencer | Cade Yeager | Edmund Burton | Viviane Wembly | Izabella
