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The Charmin Bears are the mascots of the Charmin commercials from 1999 to present time. They are a bunch of red and blue (tan in Canadian commercials) bears that teach kids how to wipe off their dirty butt and not leaving pieces left behind. Their signature song is “Less is More” and their signature quote is “Cha Cha Cha Charmin”. They are sensitive and absent-minded when it comes to potty training. Their signature dance is The Potty Dance. They twerk in some commercials too. The mother and father bears know that their children are gonna be big kids when they get potty trained.

Charmin Bear


A family of bears with red, blue and tan fur that love potty training and not leaving little pieces behind. Their names are Leonard, Dylan, Amy, Bill and Molly.


  • Their first appearance was in 1999.
  • They sometimes do inappropriate things in some commercials, like twerking or showing their butts. And also, the mother red bear sucks the little pieces off of the little bear’s butt in one commercial.
  • When the mother bear wants to look at the little bear’s telescope, the other little bear’s butt looks like a big red moon with little pieces on it.
  • The Charmin Bears have human teeth instead of real bear sharp teeth.
  • They came from The United Kingdom, America and Canada.